Created the first humans with modified DNA? The shock experience of an oriental scientist


A Chinese scientist would have found the way, through a specific machine, to change in laboratory genetic code contained in human DNA.

The scholar's experience would have been translated into creation of the first human beings to modified DNA: it would be two twins that thanks to this sensational discovery they will be immune to the HIV virus. The twins in question, according to those who are learning, were revealed last month.

Created the first humans with modified DNA, the results of the experience of the South Shenzhen University of Science and Technology

l & # 39; experience that would have allowed create the first humans with modified DNA It was allegedly conducted by Chinese scientist He Jiankui , native Shenzhen, by means of a machine capable of rewrite the genetic code.

The results obtained are all contained in a document kept in the premises from South University of Science and Technology. The text specifies that the ethics committee he expressed his favorable opinion to the realization of the study. The scientific journal Institute of Technology of Mbadachussets announced the document.

How the study was conducted, specifically? He Jiankui revealed that he had acted embryos fertilized by seven couples, modifying the genetic code.

In the study the genome editing technique, currently non-legal in the United States of America because it is a procedure that could damage other genes (in the case of genetic changes inherited from posterity). The situation has been confirmed by an American academic it would take part in the experimentation.

Of the modified genetic code of the seven fertilized embryos, two twins were born last month: the first in the world to be immunized against the HIV virus. We are talking about the only embryo, among those available, to have given birth to a regular pregnancy.

An absolutely innovative experience, able to open the door to other studies that can – for example – make immune future generations of different diseases or completely eradicate them. The without leaving a side a certain dose of the most skeptical: how much is right, since moral point of life, that medicine and experimentation go so far?

(Image of the directory)

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