"Crushed by competition", start-up Mosaicoon closes: 100 workers at home


He suspended 9 candles, achieved a turnover of 20 million euros, hired close to 100 employees. And to achieve all this, he has never abandoned Palermo. Today, however, the curtain falls on Mosaicoon, the startup founded by Ugo Parodi Giusino in 2009 which, for years, has linked its success to the world of digital innovation. In his belly, he had customers with seven zeros, like McDonald's, Vodafone, Barilla, Land Rover, Samsung, Alitalia and even Walt Disney. The technological company of Palermo, leader for nearly a decade in the production and distribution of videos for the web, has opened 5 offices in the world, from London to Madrid, Milan, Rome and finally Singapore , New Delhi and Seoul.

On the one hand, the difficulty of taking a step forward, on the other hand the very great competition in the market. A stop which was already breathed in the air and which explains to PalermoToday its very founder. "Everything came to break, he was suddenly – says Parodi Giusino – From a formal point of view, a process was followed.After a first moment of difficulties, Mosaicoon failed to overcome a new growth phase After a first investment and financing, after the success of many other players such as Facebook, we had to face a lack of capital. "

  Mosaicoon-2" src = "http: // 1.citynews-palermotoday. stgy.ovh/~media/original-low/31447115105344/mosaicoon-2.jpg "title =" Mosaicoon-2 "/> </p>
<p><span style= Symbol for many years of the success of Italian startups, Mosaicoon has entered the top 10 best European scaleups – identified in digital jargon as "unicorns" – with the greatest growth potential.He recreated a mini Silicon Valley by the sea, in Isola delle Femmine, the first headquarters of Europe, 4 thousand square meters, designed for The fusion of architectural spaces, nature and climate for those who, over the years, have told and followed the success of Mosaicoon knows how important it was for the CEO to stay at home, in Palermo. "Although this day was not happy it was important for all of us to stay radiant in Sicily – it's a choice we would all make thousands of other times."

Campaigns in Italy, abroad, and a prize for innovation in 2011 by the then President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. "We confronted the world, we did it from our house, in costume, in a glbad building from which we can see the sea – continues Ugo Parodi -. It's a privilege. I would like the news of the fence does not compromise the message of possibilities that we have, in these 10 years, always and in any case postponed. I want to preserve the role that Mosaicoon has had. We have also made a long trip, if you will, for our sector, I hope it will be remembered. "

  Renzi mosaicoon-2-2 "src =" http://1.citynews-palermotoday.stgy.ovh/~media/horizontal-low/29984240289315/renzi-mosaicoon-2-2.jpg "style = "margin: 10px; float: right; "title =" Renzi mosaicoon-2-2 "/> <span style= A successful story that, although the end, remains and must remain successful." My greatest wish today is to keep as much as possible of what we have done – concludes the founder of Mosaicoon – However, we must anticipate and recognize this as a moment that is part of the game of startups, innovations who go fast. of these news, but look at the quality things that, in a certain way, must prevail.The results obtained must prevail, must remain an image of Sicily that can do it.It must remain Mondello projected in Silicon Valley . "

" Mosaicoon – comments Mayor Leoluca Orlando – symbolized the possibility also in Sicily to build innovative businesses, generating a path as cultural with positive effects for the territory in economic terms and innovation. Today, Mosaicoon symbolizes the difficulties imposed on the entrepreneurial system by an increasingly extreme financialization and the growing monopoly in the high technology sector in the hands of a few giants. It remains however, as a legacy of us all, to build, as positively these last 10 years, to achieve in Palermo and Sicily a leap of quality not only in the specific sector of communication, but especially in terms cultural openness. in the world ".

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