Cuba: via communism from the Constitution – Latin America


(ANSA) – HAVANA, JULY 21 – The Cuban National Assembly has
Examination of the new project began today in Havana
Constitution, which will replace the one promulgated in 1976, and in the
which no longer refers to "communism".
The text submitted to members of the legislature,
in fact, it only confirms, as published by the
Granma newspaper, which "ratifies the socialist character
of the Revolution and the leadership role of the Party ", as well as" the
irrevocability of the Cuban political and economic model
Yesterday, the subject had been discussed in the Assembly debate
and a deputy had just observed, says Granma, that "the
The 1976 Constitution mentions construction in Article 5
of socialism and progress towards communist society, ed
today, however, it is only referred to as "socialism."


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