Cuneo, began the transport at the exit of the caver injured in the cave: "We will finish at dawn"


The transport of the wounded out of the cave began late afternoon today. For more than twelve hours, Gianluca Ghiglia, president of the Garlezio Tanaro Speleoclub, was hired in the Mottera Caves, upstream from Bossea, in the Corsaglia valley in Frabosa Soprana, in the Cuneo region. after a fall that caused a head injury and several other bruises. The stretcher on which the man was placed travels along a specially equipped route by various teams of operators of the National Alpine Rescue Corps with pulleys and cable traps; some "disturbers" have dug the holes in the rock, while the technicians of the suits are stationed in submerged points by the water that pbades from the hand to the stretcher. It is expected that the exit will be reached at dawn tomorrow morning.

The operation is really complex and more than 80 mountain rescue technicians will be involved to complete it. Reinforcements have also arrived from Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Lombardy. Each speleological group has sent its best men, as tradition dictates when a large family of cave lovers is involved in an accident. Teams must go to the point where the injured person is, badisted by two doctors.

His expedition companions were all evacuated in the night, they are all part of the same speleoclub. The injured person reported several injuries. "Whatever its conditions – explains Longo – a wounded man in the cave is always a situation to be treated with the utmost attention and is always a critical condition because it is not enough to call an ambulance to save him".

in the cave and down the walls. Tunnels are not easy and you can not keep walking. "It takes a lot of time," say the experts who prepare the route step by step, fixing the strings to which the stretcher will be hung to carry Ghiglia to the surface.

The group of speleologists had already reached the bottom of the sea. Path that allows the exit of an active resurgence. Indeed, in the cave flows an underground river and there is a waterfall of 80 meters high: "We will leave the same exit expected from the expedition of the group of speleologists because when there was the accident the group was already very far in the way ". Last night, members of the group closest to the entrance were alerted by calling the mountain rescue.

Speleo Club Tanaro yesterday morning, they left in 20, all very experienced, while the speleo was injured inside. cellar. It must have been a crossing of about ten hours but the accident and the injury of one of the group members made everything more complicated. "This is not a simple course and it takes experience to make this crossing," says Raffaella Zerbetto, speleologist Tanaro di Garessio club. "We do not know the conditions of the wounded, but we know that he was rescued right away because there were many members of the mountain rescue and caving in the expedition. It was then reached, as soon as possible, by the speleologist ". In the evening, the Piedmont mountain rescue teams arrived alerted by some members of the expedition. At that moment, there were about twenty people in the cave. "The incident occurred a few hours from the end of the pbadage," they explain to the caving club. "Cave accidents are rare, but sometimes they happen and unfortunately, if the injured only hurt one shoulder, then it has to be removed because it's no longer able to do the necessary maneuvers in complete safety ".

The injured speleologist was stabilized and placed under a thermal awning waiting for the operations to take place on the outside. In the cave, in fact, there are about 6 degrees and it is necessary that the wounded stay warm to avoid the risk of hypothermia.

"Fortunately, there have been some time ago exercises in the Mottera cave, the weapons that are used to make sure that the ropes are already there – explains Zerbetto – and also outside the exercises. were made by simulating a situation similar to this one.They are all very prepared. "

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