Dazi, truce between Trump and Juncker: "Agreement found"


This is a truce between Donald Trump and Europe. Jean Claude Juncker has arrived at the White House in the hope of defusing trade tensions with the United States that may rain irreversibly on relations between the two shores of the Atlantic. And the president of the European Commission managed to get an agreement. "Today is a great day, we have launched a new phase in relations between the United States and Europe," said Trump after the meeting. "The goal is zero tariff, zero non-tariff trade barriers and zero subsidies on industrial products
that they are not cars, "he explained.Juncker, who succeeded where Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron failed, was visibly satisfied:" I came here to find an agreement and we found it, "he said

The American president, while hoping for an agreement, a few hours before the meeting had met his challenge:" An agreement yes, but that It's just for everyone. "Otherwise – the Washington Post had unveiled – the feared 25% tariffs on cars that the US president could set off by the end of the year are ready. before the meeting was not relaxed was read in the faces of the two leaders.After all, Trump, who has now defined the president of the European Commission as "a very intelligent but also very hard man", l & # 39; had called him a "killer", speaking of the European Union as "an enemy United States."

Juncker n "I have not forgotten those words, and in front of the cameras reminded the tycoon that Europe and America are" allies, not enemies ". "We have to talk to each other, we have to work together," he continued, sending a clear message to the White House tenant: unilateral duties can only lead to the death of the president. to climbing that is good for no one. not even the economy and the American workers.

After all, Brussels does not remain hands-on. And if the prices on steel and aluminum imposed by Trump met the symbolic marks of "Made in Usa". like those Levís jeans and Harley-Davidson motorbikes, the EU is ready to retaliate if the US administration really has to punish homes The automakers of the Old World: the tariffs of another package of goods imported from the United States worth $ 20 billion.

But the biggest concerns of those hours are those of Berlin, worried about Trump's plan to charge $ 200 billion worth on foreign cars. German homes would be the first to be hit hard. "I hope you can not get to this point," asked European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmstroem.

If it will really be a respite and even peace will be visible in the coming weeks, also because in the comparison between the protectionist doctrine and the values ​​of globalism and multilateralism incarnated in the European Union are dynamics completely policies. With Trump in view of the congressional elections next November – according to many observers – could be convinced that the hard line and nationalist pay more to support the Republicans. Also because in the meantime the White House is following with great interest political developments throughout Europe, with the progress of populist movements and parties everywhere. But for the moment, Washington and Brussels have decided to speak.

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