Dd dignity approved by the Cdm: limit of 24 months for fixed-term contracts. Measures against gambling and relocation


I fixed-term contracts will last at most 12 months . Then, to be renewed it will be necessary to indicate a specific causal : that is why they do not become indefinitely. And in this case too, it will be possible to extend until a maximum of 12 additional months . This is the one that provides for the Decree of Dignity approved by the Council of Ministers shortly after 22.30
"It's the war against precariousness, we reject the law on employment ", according to executive sources in the afternoon. A Palazzo Chigi therefore, did not violate the criticism of Confidustria who with the president Vincenzo Boccia had defined the choice to increase the cost of fixed-term contracts as "a mistake because the occupation was not generated by rigidifying the rules." formal elements that will not bring any positivity, including also the idea of ​​causality ". Instead, it is confirmed in the decree approved by the Cdm. As confirmed, the additional contributory cost (0.5%) which will have each contract renewal. Confirmed in the decree also measures to combat ludopatia as the prohibition to advertise the companies of games and paris and the penalties for the companies that relocated after receiving state aid. "We have banned advertising for the game there are those who worry about the contracts in place that we gave them time to solve them.We are the first country in Europe to do it, we put people in the center for the first time, "commented Luigi Di Maio on facebook soon after the approval of the decree.

Di Maio: "Waterloo of precariousness" – "Thanks to our decree – declared the Deputy Prime Minister – the redditometro is deactivated. spesometro provides now only one fulfillment a year, at the end of the year, and no more than the quarterly And the split payment does not exist anymore for the professionals: it means to give it liquidity in his pocket. As for the fight against precariousness, it is the Waterloo of precariousness : the era of precariousness for no reason is over. We can not renew indefinitely fixed-term contracts.Then we should reduce the cost of labor and we will do it at the end of the year in the finance law.Relocations? i have been saying this for years and we We have made those who relocate must give us money with interest. "

Fixed Term Contracts: Maximum 12 Months Without Reason for Payment – In fact, the main part of the Order is that entitled " Short Term Life for Contracts fixed term ": We go from 36 months to at most 12 months without causality . After 12 months, it may be renewed for a maximum of 12 additional months, but with an obligation of to indicate the reason for payment . That's why the contract does not become undefined. Confirmed the possibility of extending futures contracts from 5 to 4 without prejudice to the maximum duration of 24 months. With each renewal, the contracts will have a contributive cost of 0.5% higher than the 1.4% which is already paid by the employer and which finances the Nasp. Also included "important" dissuasive to unjust dismissals with the 50% increase in compensation that can reach even 36 months. For agency workers, government sources explained in the afternoon, the extension of the same protections of other workers is expected.

Stop a Playground: Save the Lottery Italy – The same or nearly the same measures to combat gambling addiction and to punish companies that remain ] relocate after having received state aid. In the new project, it will also be announced close on the advertising of games and gambling bets, with the exception of existing contracts and deferred lotteries, such as Lotteria Italia . In the project, however, it is specified that the stop does not apply to "logos on the safe and responsible game of the Customs Agency and Monopolies". Confirmed sanctions, which will apply "de futuro", to 5 % of value but with a minimum of 50 thousand euros

Fines to companies that relocate within 5 years – [19659009] Slightly revised then the rule on relocations which will result in fines 2 to 4 times the benefit received for companies that relocate "within five years from the conclusion date of the initiative facilitated ". A first version indicated a duration of 10 years. In detail, the Dignità Decree provides that the "recipient company" of the public aid "expires from the benefit granted and is, in addition, liable to financial penalties of an amount two to four times higher than that of the service received ". The hold remains for those leaving Italy for an extra-European country and for those who transfer activity, even in part, to one of the countries of the Union. The benefit will also be reimbursed with increased interest up to 5 percentage points . The new offshoring rule, highlighted in the accompanying report, is consistent, "in continuity" with European legislation which already poses several constraints "to combat the phenomenon of subsidized hunting and avoid the risk that cohesion helps to stimulate the productive relocation of firms, leading to a collateral and unintentional distortion of competition. "

Tax Law – The section on tax simplification was amended which was much lower compared to the previous version of the decree. The new version of the dl modifies the profitometer with regard to the "Provisions concerning the sending of data of invoices issued and received", with "reference to the conformity of the communication referred to in Article 21, paragraph 1, Decree Law May 31, 2010, n. 78, converted, with modifications, by the law of July 30, 2010, n. 122 data for the third quarter of 2018 can be submitted before February 28, 2019. "The next deadline was scheduled for September 30. Then the split payment on VAT only for professionals was revoked In the new version of the decree there will be no rule on the abolition of the hire of staff ie the option allowing companies to It is provided that, in the case of fixed-term administration, the same rules as other expiring contracts apply.

Burnt Land Decree also Approved – An initial version of the Order in Council was issued on June 26. It was discussed by the Cabinet in the next 48 hours, but the process was postponed a few days after e the government announced the announcement extension of electronic invoicing for gasoline stations . "It goes around the seven churches, to get some stamps all things that I did not know but which are important for charity but that are part of a series of Very complicated procedures At most Monday or Tuesday, it will be approved by the Council of Ministers, "Di Maio explained on Facebook. And in fact, the free way of Palazzo Chigi has arrived. "At the Council of Ministers, we approved a decree on the land of fires ", then said Di Maio §

In Cdm also decree to give ships to Libya – Still the Deputy Prime Minister announced free even to a dl "who supplies the boats to the Libyan Coast Guard". "With this arrangement, we are giving birth to partnerships that date back to 2008 and were renewed last year.The Dicastery I drive, through the Capitanerie of Porto-Guardia Costiera brings us to 10 patrol boats in addition to training staff for their use.We are talking about an economic commitment of nearly 1.5 million, compared to a total cost of the provision of about 2.5 million (i) Therefore, our contribution is fundamental, "commented Minister Danilo Toninelli after the CDM" We are aware that this is not enough and that we must work for to stabilize the scenario, strengthen the rule of law and protect the dignity of people on the soil of the nascent Libyan state. This is why we are gradually intensifying cooperation with organizations such as Unhcr and IOM, which are present in Tripoli. "

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