After the two days of the Champions League, Alessandro De Calò on the pages The Gazzetta dello Sport commented the European framework: "Since the first playoffs (2003-04), it has never happened that four of our teams are part of the top 16. We will see how the power map will be drawn in Europe between February and the moment, we do not see who can impress Juventus Allegri on the way to the final in Madrid.The city remains well quoted but continues to show a certain vulnerability, as we have seen with Lyon, Barça, Real, According to Bayern, PSG is no longer a big unapproachable few years ago, with different choices – but similar difficulties in the match and results – it is facing a tormented generation change. image of the eighth, for the rest, is clear, strong are the rendezvous, it will weigh on the draws Inter and Naples are on the edge of the volcano, but the eyes: hopefully, they can become two outsiders angular .
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