Dear Minister Grillo, of course about vaccines, is now investigating the "unions" of doctors


I am very pleased that in the new Council of Ministers there is under the presidency of Minister of Health a young doctor with whom I hope to be able to speak more directly. I'm lucky to have known her in times not suspicious. Giulia Grillo as a young girl took the train to listen, in my study of Milan, my ideas on health care and in particular of History Health. To thank her for my availability, I went to the House at a meeting she had called to discuss health checks. I hope you will not forget so that you can help her in her difficult task.

That is why I decided to send his letters periodically through the pages of my space so that they are public.

One of the first topics discussed was that of vaccines . I am proud of his words that separated politics from science: "Politics is not science, science is made by scientists. The policy decides if she wants to use the mandatory and to what extent. "I agree with you that it is necessary to explain what vaccines to use and why. </ P> <p> I am deeply opposed to influenza vaccine in the hope that the new minister can "lighten" the general practitioner bureaucratic burdens and bring him back to better advise the citizen on the real needs.

The choice of vaccines to use it must be made by science, hoping that it will always be " independent ." Exclusively to help you, I send you this first letter, hoping to get an answer.

Some time ago I referred to an "organization", I do not know how to define it, which deals with everything that concerns physicians.] Consulcesi was somehow involved in the "medical". Case Stamina .Now I have accidentally discovered that this "union" gives space on its site to the decision of the National Commission for Continuing Education of FNOMCeO to obtain a "bonus" no Specified 10 ECM Credits (Continuing Medical Education) if you are taking a course on vaccines. One way to educate them or push them? Naturally, the Consulcesi also organizes ECM courses considered as very active and influential in the medical field.

We need clarity Dr. Grillo. Listen to me, investigate. She can now do it. To hear from us

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