Death at work, 469 complaints in the first half of 2018 –


MILAN – We continue to die for work. During the first six months of the year, 469 workplace accident reports were presented to Inail during the first six months of the year, four fewer than the 473 of the same year. period in 2017 (-0.8%). The data collected at 30 June, the institute stresses, have shown at the national level a decrease in the number of cases occurring during labor, from 337 to 331, while those occurring in the interior or between home and workplace, increased by two units (from 136 to 138).

The more than 50 washers are the most affected, including one death out of two 31 cases (from 203 to 234). On the other hand, complaints concerning under-34s (from age 76 to 71), workers aged 35 to 49 (from 159 to 132) and those over 65 (from 35 to 32) have decreased. The overall decrease only affected the complaints of Italian workers (from 406 to 391), while that of foreign workers increased by 11 units (from 67 to 78).

16 other cases in Veneto are pending (from 43 to 59) and 12 more than Calabria (from 5 to 17). Significant decreases are recorded, however, in Abruzzo (from 28 to 7), in the theater in January 2017 the Rigopiano and Campo Felice tragedies, in Sicily (from 42 to 25) and in Puglia (from 29 to 15) .

Accidents at Work
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