Death Death suspicious at Annunziata, 56 years old undergoes two interventions and contracting an infection


The patient enters and leaves the Annunziata hospital where she would also contract "Klebsiella" and, because of the extremely high doses of antibiotics, finds herself in dialysis due to the collapse of the kidney

COSENZA – LP 56 years old, originally from Dipignano, died yesterday at the civil hospital of the Annunciation in Cosenza. The husband who submitted a formal complaint to the permanent state police station asks him to shed light on the case. To help the husband 58enne of the victim are the lawyers Mbadimiliano Coppa and Paolo Coppa del foro de Cosenza. The spouse explains to the police that his wife had undergone two surgeries

in the intestines, the first three months before, March 12th at the emergency surgery department with ileostomy, the second on June 30th last in the department of General Surgery "Falcone" for the recbadization of the intestine. After the first intervention, the patient's patience, according to the history of the joint, was evacuated after five days of hospitalization despite the presence of the wound in the dehiscence or spontaneous reopening of the wound previously sutured

the 56-year-old man was reported to the first aid of the Annunciation. At the beginning the health workers did not accept the hospitalization of the woman, which was necessary and urgent because of a very serious renal failure because of which she was transferred to the department of Medicine "Valentini" . The lawyer Mbadimiliano Coppa, criminal lawyer

The woman in the hospital, probably during previous hospitalizations had contracted a serious infection, the " Klebsiella ". Because of very high doses of antibiotics, the 56 – year – old man entered dialysis because of a renal collapse. On June 4, she was transferred to the long-term service of Rogliano Hospital. After 19 days of hospitalization, she was transferred back to Cosenza to the "Falcone" surgery department where she underwent after six days and three referrals, to surgery. immediately after the death of the woman from the cardiocirculatory arrest

The seal in the formal complaint requested that light be given to the case and that all possible culprits of the death of his wife be punished . Now the magistrate on duty will have the medical records and body records that will be subject to an autopsy in the coming hours

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