debt canceled. Securities rebound on the stock market –


MILAN – The Fca galaxy will return to the stock market after the tremor on Monday – the first day of trading without Sergio Marchionne at the helm – and taking into account the quarterly accounts that will be announced tomorrow. After the work of the Group Executive Council, the decision committee of the Lingotto, now headed by the new CEO Mike Manley, who met yesterday in Turin, announced the cancellation of the industrial debt of the automobile group. A legacy of the management of Marchionne, who had somehow celebrated the return of the tie (except the usual sweater) to the presentation of the industrial plan Balocco, June 1. The successor will be officially cut, however, by his successor Manley, who will start tomorrow as before the markets with the conference dedicated to quarterly accounts.

Yesterday, companies in the group were penalized by the sales of investors after the weekend which marked the pbadage to the summit with the sudden exit of Marchionne, whose serious conditions of health are "irreversible", and the Manley colony at the top. With him, the group chose Louis Camilleri, former number one Philip Morris, driving Ferrari and Suzanne Heywood at the helm of CNH. FCA yesterday recorded a loss of 1.5%, but with the closing of today of 2.39%, it has already repaired the gap. Ferrari paid a more salty account with a slippage of nearly 5% Monday, recovering only 0.4% today


Marchionne, the director who divides the two leftists

by MICHELE SERRA [19659005] In addition, the holding company Exor (+ 1.53%) showed signs of resistance at the difficult moment (+ 3.78%).

According to badysts, the new Manley announcement guarantees operational continuity and the execution of the rejected plan. in Balocco only on June 1st. The questions relate to his ability to be a charismatic negotiator like Marchionne on the M & A chessboard. For Ferrari, on the other hand, the fact that the seriously ill manager would stay on the rampant Cavallino until 2021 (while the exit of FCA was closer, planned in spring 2019) weighs more and that the industrial plan remains to close. it will be unveiled next September.

<img src = "" width = "558" height = "335" alt = "FCA prepares the accounts: zero debt.In the reports of the badysts, besides these doubts, we recognize the merits of those who were called to drive the Fiat Chrysler, baduming the powers of the other. ex-Alfredo Altavilla, head of Europe, but later resigned as promotion to Marchionne's successor did not arrive.In fact, since 2009, Manley has been running the Jeep brand, one that over the years has become the best performer in the group and at the operational level, there are few doubts that will be able to complete the 2018-2022 business plan.The first market test will already be there tomorrow with the conference call on first half accounts.


"I am the number one or I'm leaving" The ultimatum failed and Altavilla came out


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