Declare death after an accident, a woman wakes up at the morgue


A dramatic car accident, then the discovery of death by paramedics and the transfer of the body in the morgue of Just here, huddled in a cold room as in a claustrophobic nightmare, he Is awake after being declared dead (and believed it for at least a day): he was still breathing. The episodes of the apparent death occurred in Carletonville, South Africa. The protagonist is a woman, victim of a sinister. He was aboard a car with three other people on a communication lane in Johannesburg. Useless attempts to revive it, according to what was reconstructed by the rescuers intervening on the spot.

Only chance would have worked in his favor with a staff member of the body inspection department who realized that the body, in fact, still gave signs of unequivocal life.

An investigation is opened

An investigation was opened into the case involving the local authorities who handled the case and the paramedics who wrote the reports on deaths and injuries (two deaths declared in this tragedy). " We are all in shock – says BBC a parent of the woman – Now we want to talk with police, health care workers and moral leaders involved: we need answers It's all we want … Until here, there was no clarity on what happened . "

The patient, now out of danger, was immediately transferred to a hospital in the capital for stabilization.

He will now face a long journey to recovery, but he will not lose hope. [19659005] This is not unique in South Africa

In the nation this is not a unicum: to worsen the shadow that hovered over the direction, there would be two recent precedents, the first dating back about 7 years: a 50-year-old man woke up at the morgue, plagued by a terrible fear (e

The second episode, recorded in 2016, he had another person involved, involved in a deadly road accident. Death was declared, only to discover, the next day, that she had not died [VIDEO]. Unfortunately, the local chronicles had to face a drama anyway, considering the nefarious epilogue: the discovery arrived late, died a few hours later

When an error leads to death [19659006] It is an error in the badessment of the condition of the victims may even contribute to their death. This is why the investigations will serve to clarify what the actual responsibilities are and, for the moment, the charge against doctors and ambulance personnel would be that of negligence [VIDEO]. "The finding of a death this can be extremely difficult ," said Ryan Blumenthal, an anatomist at the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Pretoria. " Can you fool "

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