Decree "dignity" in Cdm, here is the content


50% increase in compensation for dismissals without just cause and close to fixed-term contracts, which can not last more than two years and must be justified after the first 12 months, the rules also extending to

Here are some of the measures contained in the Decree on Dignity, to be considered by the Council of Ministers for approval at the meeting which began about an hour later than planned. This is the first measure of weight of the green-yellow government and very strong brand pentastellata, which was pursued with determination by the Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, a package to which the truth did not fail to widespread criticism in the world of production. The entry text also includes a "light" tax package and strict anti-relocation measures, with wage fines for those leaving within 5 years, which should not apply to investments already. made. While the abolition of rental staff jumped as advertised. The prohibition of advertising on gambling and betting to counteract pathological gambling is also triggered, with some minor exceptions. Here are some of the main news on the table of ministers

Up to 3 years of severance pay

Increases the value of compensation for workers dismissed "unjustly", d & # 39; A maximum of 24 months to a maximum of 36 months. 19659007] Fixed-term contracts

The maximum limit is reduced from 36 to 24 months and each renewal from the second will have a contributory cost of 0.5%. The possible extensions are reduced from 5 to 4.

The return of causes

For contracts of more than 12 months or from the first renewal, there are three categories of causal, temporary and objective needs, related to temporary, significant and non-programmable increases, or relative at the peaks of seasonal activity. The new rules also apply to fixed-term contracts in administration (those provided for open-ended contracts are not canceled, as foreseen by the first projects). On the contrary, the account of the latter type is skipped within the 20% limit for the temporary recruitment quota.

Fines for those who relocate

To companies that have benefited from State aid that relocate activities before 5 years The end of subsidized investments will result in penalties of 2 to 4 times the benefit received. The benefit will also be reimbursed with interest up to 5 percentage points. Incoming a "recapture" mechanism for hyper-depreciation in the event of relocation or transfer of investments

Protection of employment with state aid

If l & # 39; 39; grant of state aid provides an badessment of the impact on employment, the benefits are revoked in whole or in part to those who cut jobs in the next 5 years .

Stop advertising on the games

In the projects, the total stop is planned for the game ads, which will start from 2019 also for sponsorships and "all forms of communication", including the "visual and acoustic quotations and the superimposition of the name, the mark, the symbols". Those who do not comply with the ban will receive a penalty of 5% of the value of sponsorship or advertising, however, of "minimum amount
of 50,000 euros". The product will go to checkout for contrast to pathological gambling. Sanctions remain from 100 thousand to 500 thousand euros for those who violate the ban during shows dedicated to minors. Delayed lotteries, such as the Italian lottery, and existing contracts are safe from stoppages

"Light" tax interventions

In its latest version, the tax package provides for a revision of profitability and the abolition of VAT direct holding by the State in relations with professionals only. For the spesometro, there is a postponement
of the deadline for sending data for the third quarter to February 2019, as well as the sending of data for the fourth quarter.

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