Twenty-nine thousand fixed-term contracts: to deal with the changes provided by the decree "dignity" at the government's study could be almost immediately one-third of the 2.86 million temporary workers.
The main changes we are discussing – renewal with causality, increased costs for businesses, reduction in the number of possible extensions (from 5 to 4) out of a total of 36 months – would have an immediate impact on contracts expiring at the end of August, according to estimates from the Datagiovani study center for Il Sole 24 Ore, 892 thousand.
A value that would exceed 1.6 million contracts if all fixed-term contracts expiring at the end of the year were considered, about 57% of the total.
All this if the badumption that a transition period is not foreseen will be confirmed: the new rules could thus be applied to all futures contracts from the entry into force of the decree "dignity", now that opens the week in which the provision could see the light. And the effects on the contracts could be quite fast, since most of them have a duration less than 12 months: 3% less than a month, 20% between 1 and 3 months, 26% total between 4 and According to the latest Eurostat surveys on Italy, 6 and 29% between 7 and 12
From the idikit of labor relations that expires at the end of August, it appears that 26 % relate to public administration, 18% to industry and buildings, 13% to trade. Agriculture (11.5%) and the hotel and restaurant sector (with more than 100,000 contracts expiring, 12% of the total) are not lacking, "sectors with a strong seasonal nature. work – observes Michele Pasqualotto, a researcher at Datagiovani – with the inflows and outflows of term employees. "
Half of the layoffs will involve workers residing in the North (441,000), about 31% in the Mezzogiorno (274,000), one in five in Central regions. "Percentages – explains Pasqualotto – reflect the greater presence of fixed-term contracts in the North, where the likelihood of a high number of delays is obviously more high. "
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On the other hand, the gender dynamics is more balanced, with women slightly penalized compared to men: the estimate of futures contracts in conclusion is about 465 thousand, or about 52% of the total. He is therefore mainly young: 47% under 35 and 27% between 35 and 44 years old.
If we consider rather – in the expiring worker's identity card – the professional profile and the role played in the company, the treatment of Datagiovani returns the photograph of a medium-high profile, often accompanied by a university degree. By the end of August, 266,000 contracts will be signed with executives, computer and scientific technicians and about 400,000 employees, specialists in trade and services or in the field of crafts and crafts. l & # 39; industry.
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