Ilok arrived at the decree of law for "Urgenze". During the discussion, clashes took place between the majority parties and oppositions: Pd against amnesty for Ischia.
The text now goes to the Senate examination. It was a very intense day in Montecitorio for the examination of the text of the decree "Urgenze". Ropes launched by Forza Italia and Pd to the Minister of Infrastructures Toninelli and his replies, to the protests of the Democratic Party against the reconstruction of abusive homes had collapsed with the earthquake of Ischia. Until the quarrel for the rule on the levels of hydrocarbons in the sludge used as fertilizer for agricultural land and the quarrel almost touched between Dem deputies and deputies of Brothers of Italy.
The blow and the answer between Toninelli and oppositions – During the day, the opposition repeatedly accused the Minister of Infrastructure of not being present. The charges were followed by Danilo Toninelli's intervention via Twitter. "With a hypocritical obstruction, Pd and Fi block funds for Genoa, more resources that the decree does for displaced people, businesses, workers, logistics, we fight against those who do not want the good of the city, "attacked Minister Toninelli. After the tweet of the parliamentarian Giorgio MulèSpokesman of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Senate Groups replied, "The prince of the government's incompetents, Danilo Toninelli, has long overstepped the gates of shame and now has the force of law in the field of jesters. blocks the funds provided by the decree of Genoa with an obstructionist attitude in the clbadroom.The Toninelli jester never came neither in the clbadroom nor to the commission and this is only thanks to Forza Italy that funds have been found and a new decree thought without head and written with feet, a shame will overwhelm him. "The replica of the minister announces itself as follows:" The results interest me, not the ridiculous cries of Pd and of FI in my absence, I am here, I am here and I will be there for Genoa and for the many other indecent managed files that I have inherited and that I put with care to the task, with the constant aim to help people who ask for the appropriate support and due protection for a state that, before the government of change, was distant, or even non-existent. " He answers on Twitter Matteo Orfini: "Ischia is the constituency of your boss Di Maio"
You have entered in the decree on Genoa the amnesty building for Ischia, the college of your boss Di Maio. And you do not even have the courage to come to Parliament to discuss it. Because even you are ashamed of what you are doing https://t.co/f1GbXuxf8b
– orphans (@orfini) October 31, 2018
The attack of Gelmini: Toninelli learns to be minister – Even Maria Stella Gelmini, leader of Forza Italia in the House, has not escaped the accusation of incompetence of the Minister of Infrastructure by tacciandolo. "We have just read a tweet from Toninelli accusing Forza Italia of having obstructed and blocked the decree on Genoa, we in Toninelli are waiting for anything but for two days the minister has not deigned to remain in the audience hall, the lessons of Minister Toninelli we do not accept.We have never obstructed, we are asking Minister Toninelli to s'. apologize to the Forza Italia group and learn to do this job, "said Gelmini.
Delrio: from Pd no obstruction to the rules of Genoa, opposition condono – During the session, the Democratic Party continued to attack the M5 for the regime of amnesty and sludge. "The Democratic Party has already approved, without any discussion, the parts of the decree that affect Genoa, even if we consider them totally inadequate. But the government has decided to include an amnesty for the Di Maio College building, it is incredible that you ask the Do not Oppose, we oppose, not obstructionism, "said the Dem Dem group leader. Graziano Delrio. "It is foolish – he added – that the majority, who has lost time for disability, is now accusing the Democratic Party of delaying approval, which is outrageous and intolerable. did not even present the minister, do not oppose, it is a tombological amnesty in a seismic zone, it is crying of the dead "
Toti and Bucci to Pd: obstructionism not tolerable – The Emergency Commissioner of Ponte Morandi and the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, as well as the Commissioner for Reconstruction and the Mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci, intervened to remind the opposition and the speed up the work, and therefore the approval of the dl that unblocks the fund intended for Genoa. "Dear MPs of the Democratic Party, I am convinced that every text can be improved and I am also convinced that the opposition has the right to challenge and oppose the choices of the government, but that Liguria has also So, the obstructionism of a decree that we have been waiting for for a long time and on which a great work has already been accomplished is neither tolerable nor even respectful of the sufferings of this country, "they wrote. in a common note.
M5S: "With sludge treatment standards, we protect the health of citizens" – On accusations made by the Democratic Party to the M5 for introducing a regulation regulating sludge, the spokesman of the M5, Alberto Zolezzi, member of the House Environment Committee and the Ecomafie Commission, said: "In the interest of the citizens, and not of the Pd who exploits for propaganda purposes, we are clarifying the scope of the sludge regulations contained in the emergency decree. The wastewater from our homes has always been used as fertilizer in agriculture.We use today the sludge resulting from the purification of these discharges, which are: very different from the industrials – a- he explained – we have simply filled a regulatory vacuum by setting a limit on hydrocarbons and other pollutants, which means finally making the controls effective and touching those who pollute ".
Rissa touched among the deputies of FDI and Pd – Rissa touched the room between the deputies of the Brothers of Italy and the Democratic Party. The clerks had to intervene to calm a dispute between some members of the two political factions. Guido Crosetto also badisted the clerks and brought his FDI colleagues back to their offices.
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