Decree of security, now it is the law. Salvini: "Memorable Day" – Politics


Rome, 28 November 2018 – The final green light from the House to the Security decree. The text that now it's the law was approved by the chamber with 396 yes, 99 no. Favorable, in addition to M5S and league, as well Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia. Yesterday the provision had always been trusted by the House.

SHEET What changes with the safety decree: the highlights

APPLAUSES AND FROST: THE TWO FACES OF THE MAJORITY – A roar of satisfaction from the Carroccio benches accompanied the moment of the proclamation of the vote. The grillini did not applaud: 14 of them did not participate in the vote, while 22 were on badignment and are therefore "absent justified". The scene is a kind of inverted photograph of the one taken in the House's non-final vote on the anti-corruption bill: on this occasion, the 5 stars had applauded for their satisfaction in the cold of the Lega. And always as a mirror effect with inverted parts, in the clbad tonight there were big leagues, with Matteo Salvini and Giancarlo Giorgetti sitting on the benches of the government, while for the allies the minister Riccardo Fraccaro. For the anti-corruption bill, Salvini was missing, but there was Luigi Di Maio and Alfonso Bonafede.

SALVINI – "I'm happy, it's a memorable day," said Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini to the chroniclers of Montecitorio. "I am convinced that there are still leftist veterans who think that illegal immigration is not a problem and that security is a theme of the right when it is a problem. theme for all, "answers those who ask him if he is satisfied with the vote of everything. the center-right.

COUNT – Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte instead, he gives his comment to Twitter on the green light. "The decree on security has been definitively approved by the Chamber of Deputies, another element of the government contract has been implemented, we have made specific commitments to the Italians and we will continue to respect them".

The security decree was finally approved by the Chamber of Deputies. Another element of the government contract has been implemented. We have made specific commitments to the Italians and will continue to respect them. We continue like this.

– GiuseppeConte (@GiuseppeConteIT)
November 28, 2018

PROTESTATION OF PD – I Members of the Democratic Party they wore white masks on their faces, after that Graziano Delrio he finished his speech in the House with the final declaration of vote on the decree on security. The parent company, based in Montecitorio, said: "With this arrangement, you create invisible faces without a face". The current president, Fabio Rampelli, immediately took over the parliamentarians, asking the clerks to remove the masks: "The Chamber of Deputies is not vaudeville," he stigmatized.

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