Decree of work, from the season to the games: the last changes before the signing of the Colle


Fixed-term contracts for seasonal activities may be extended or renewed freely, without it being necessary to state the reason . The contributive increase, 0.5 percentage point – added to the 1.4% already introduced by Elsa Fornero in 2012 and which finances the Naspi – remains, scattered on the occasion of each renewal of one year. fixed-term relationship, including the administration (on which, therefore, the tightening is aggravated, given that the relationship between the private agency and the worker also extends the crackdown of incoming contracts).

A third novelty relates to the coverage of the games, with a 0.25% advance in Preu on slots to cover the abolition of split payment for professionals from next week.

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The latest version of the summer decree that goes to publication in the Official Gazette – after the signature of the head of state, Sergio Mattarella last night – still changes : and, in the technical report, other details emerge. For example, on the impact of the reduction in the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts, which has gone from 24 months to now. Well, based on data from the Ministry of Labor, every year two million temporary reports are activated (net of seasonal, agricultural, Pa); of these, 4%, or 80 000 contracts, exceeds the new ceiling of 24 months, placing it, contrary to the new legislation, when it comes into force. Not only that. Of the 80,000 reports, it is estimated that 10%, or 8,000 per year (in 2018, since we are already in July, 3,300), will not find another job exceeded, in fact, the 24 months (while nothing It is said on the (19659006) Labor Decree, more quarrels and turnover among precarious workers: the six pitfalls for fixed-term contracts.

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The clarification on the important seasonal work, and avoids the "trap", which would be taken, immediately, on the companies, with negative repercussions on the employment . In previous versions of the DL, seasonal workers were exempted from the stop and break between the signing of one relationship and the next, as well as the maximum limit of recurrence of the contract to 24 months, but not the reason for the renewal after the first report. With the correction inserted in the last text the problem is overcome, allowing the continuation, acausal, of seasonal reports even after 12 months. Rethinking the right government – comments Professor Arturo Maresca (Labor Law, La Sapienza, Rome) – and shows how, faced with concrete problems, one can find balanced solutions

Decreto dignit, the 6 traps of work: the incognita causali to the reversal of the precarious

To guarantee the cover of the DL will be the field of the game, whose paradoxically the executive claims the cancellation . The first step in the closure or limitation of the sector will be the stop of advertising, whatever it is, direct or indirect, on paper, media and internet. To cover the hole of 147 million euros in 2019 and 198 million from 2020, it will be the largest levy on the old slot machines (Awp) and new generation (Vlt). All this with an increase of 0.5%.

But watch out for a first tranche of o increase, 25% (with Preu at 19.25% and at 6.25% on slots and Vlt) will have to start from September 2018 : indeed the government has pulled the game's ATM to cover the 35 million needed to ensure the exclusion of split payment professionals on the bills issued against the Palestinian Authority next week. The remainder of the increase on the niche sparse since May 1, 2019 bringing the perception of the single tax on slots to 19.5% and 6.5% on the videotext.

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