Denounced – Rimini, kept the woman segregation for six years: "Italians all unfaithful" Italy


  A Carabiner's Car (image archive)

A Carabiner's Car (image archive)

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Rimini – He was almost always out of the house, spending the little money available on slot machines. He imposes on his wife and daughter a solitary diet, explaining thus: "The Italians are all unfaithful". The woman, of Tunisian origin as her husband, stayed [ségrégée] at home for six years during which she also had to undergo physical violence: the barrel was the rule. Then the turning point: the woman could call the carabinieri of the small garage without windows and without light in which it was closed by her husband

When he saw the army the 34 year old found the courage to denounce the spouse : on the phone, he had only shouted, asking for help. The patrol found him in a room without windows or air vents, closed by an electric shutter that the man had just broken up furiously because his wife was refusing to open it. The door was no longer working: the soldiers were kicking and liberating the woman and the girl.

The woman told them that for six years, after arriving in Italy, her husband denied her the opportunity to socialize and to have friends. No exit, he is not accompanied by him . The little money saved, intended for slot machines. And before the protests of the woman, the blows. The woman and her daughter are housed in a sheltered house, the man has been reported.

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