Describe dignity, more shadows than lights


The main novelties
More constraints on regular flexibility, no action against the truth precarious and the revival of the affair rich (for the cabinets lawyers ) on the grounds: this could be a summary of the rules on fixed-term work contained in the 1945 decree approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers and pending signature the Head of State and its publication in the Official Journal. The great absence of the provision is precisely the action of fighting precariousness, understood as a condition in which the workers, despite their rights, have no social security, do not see the collective agreement s & # 39; 39 apply or even are forced to accept irregular contracts (ex: fake VAT number simulated collaborations, full-time part-time masking etc.), as they are involved in the numerous contractual structures created solely to reduce their protection (pirated collective agreements, counterfeit international badignments, illicit purchases, etc.)

An incomprehensible crusade
None of these situations is taken into account by the decree, which launches rather into an incomprehensible crusade against the fixed-term contract and the labor administration contractual forms that guarantee the full and complete application of all the basic protections of subordinate work. This crusade goes through a summation of really stifling constraints (and incomprehensible, considering the regular character and guarantee of these relations). A threshold of a maximum duration of 24 months is introduced and, next to this measure, we find rules that seem to be built for the sole purpose of recreating this rich induced litigation which, until there is a few years, revolved around these contracts.

Additional Costs for Businesses

The Reason for Contracts lasting more than 12 months is reintroduced, an achievement that has historically played only one role: that of stimulating litigation and generating additional costs for companies and this is repeated with formulas that echo the legislation of the 60s and, in some pbadages, are really obscure.

"Formulas that echo the legislation of the 1960s and, in some pbadages, are really obscure"

The particular effect of these measures will be the relaunching of this induced judicial power which has enriched, above all, the lawyers and the "theft" of companies towards less regular contracts. It is hoped that during the conversion phase, the parliament will intervene to make the necessary corrections to erase antihistoric standards, useless and harmful.

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