Describe the dignity, "the Glue not impeded at signing". But Mattarella is waiting for the final text


Sergio Mattarella after reviewing the drafts of the decree Dignità reported that there was no impediment to the signing of the provision. But he is waiting for the "document stamped to continue". According to government sources interviewed by early in the afternoon, the publication in the Official Journal is "imminent". Protest Pd and Forza Italia: "It is so urgent that there is still no document". Meanwhile, the Montecitorio group leader announced that the Chamber will start discussing it from July 24 and then the 25-26 will vote.

A week after the green light of the Council of Ministers is still missing text stamped and the delay has provoked the attacks by the oppositions. The head of state is waiting for the official version and, as rebuilt by the Sun 24 hours yesterday only asked that the urgency be motivated. Among the parties that would still be considered by the technicians, according to some there would be a stop to advertising on the game for which you must consider any loss of income. Government sources, however, questioned by, deny that there are delays due to the lack of coverage and ensure that the text will be presented in the coming hours.

But there is not only the controversy over time: the League insists on the request that amendments be made to the text once it reaches the House.Initiative of Luigi Di Maio Decree splits the center with Forza Italy which puts pressure on the Carroccio because, if it remained as it was, "would be a damage to the companies". To put it plainly, Silvio Berlusconi wrote a letter to the Corriere della Sera on Sunday the 8th, calling it "the symbol of an ideology of the left".

Meanwhile, the opposition was protesting by the slow production of the text. "The only measure born to date is the Decree of Dignity," writes former secretary Pd Matteo Renzi "it was so urgent that no one found the text.I am not joking: the decree has not even been published in the Official Journal ". Accusation that he shares with the parent company of Forza Italia in the Senate Anna Maria Bernini : "AAA Cercasi DL Dignità (?)", Written on Twitter. "Last observation 10 days ago at Palazzo Chigi For reports, please contact Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio #chilhavisto #decretismarriti".

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