Di Maio and the banks: "They have a mafia attitude"


"If Italian entrepreneurs are heroes, those of the South are superheroes for what they fight every day," said vice-premier grillino

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"The mafia, even before a criminal organization is an attitude". Labor Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio uses strong words against the power of banks. And again, the feeling is that of a new institutional gaffe .

This attitude, explains Di Maio, "we also see it in some banks, and in fact there are awards that recognize the wear and tear of credit institutions". "But the Mafia attitude, sometimes, we see it also in some exhibitors and in some state organizations ", increases the grill.

Di Maio, the shocking expression on the mafia and the banks

"If Italian entrepreneurs are heroes, those of the South are superheroes for what. they fight every day. " Di Maio spoke at a press conference with Calabrian metallurgist Nico De Masi, who was in custody for five years after denouncing the thighs of the Gioia Tauro plain. From the government, promises the leader of the M5S, the good support will come.

"We are organizing a visit to the companies of De Masi with various government officials because it is so important, fighting against the isolation of people who have the courage to denounce and to resist – continues Di Maio – This

Di Maio against the multinationals

The politicians of the first " very badly accustomed the multinationals : now the government intends to start demanding respect. "" Multinationals come to Italy, contract a series of incentives and aids, give their word on job protection and then, today. to tomorrow, send [200.000900] 200 letters of dismissal and leave Italy. They have become too used to them, these people have been unaccustomed to the first politicians and we must begin to demand respect so that "citizens are respected".

"Finally – Di Maio said referring to relocations which intends to launch the government – we will also provide the officials with tools to deal with the crises in the world. businesses, because if a company takes money and does not maintain the levels of employment that it is committed to guarantee, ask for money with interest. 19659012] [ad_2]
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