Di Maio declares war on the technicians of the Mef: "Complotto dei lobby"


Between Via Veneto and Via XX Settembre is the open war. To trigger the clash, a few lines of the technical report that accompanies the decree of dignity, in effect since Saturday, which shows that the tightening of fixed-term contracts is likely to blow eight thousand jobs per year. A number immediately rebounded in the media and has sparked the wrath of the Minister of Labor and Economic Development Luigi Di Maio, who in the fight against precariousness announced with the provision made his flag.

"This figure, which for me it means absolutely nothing, it appeared in the technical report to the decree the day before its sending to the President of the Republic – live accusation on Facebook – This is not something that asked or asked my ministries, and especially that's not what the ministers asked for ". Where does it come from? For Di Maio "this decree has against all types of lobby". "My suspicion – it reveals – is that it was a way to begin to weaken this decree and to do some caciara."

In short, the thesis of the Deputy Prime Minister is that in the trip between the Ministry of Labor and the State Accounting Office, which depends on the Ministry of Economy and must stamp the measures and check the charges and covers before & ## 39, they are not subject to the signature of the President of the Republic, has intervened a "hand" to damage the government and especially the yellows. The suspicion that feeds irritation M5s is that in the offices of via Venti Settembre there are men close to the former government team. That is why, it is the reasoning, it is necessary to "sanitize" both the state accounts and the MEF, strategic places where it is necessary to trust people and not those who wander. against exposure to criticism, if not to a real boomerang risk as was the case this time around, the government and its provisions.

Al Mef Deputy Prime Minister's statements are received with much embarrbadment, but mostly confusion. It is obvious that the relations between the Five Star Movement – but also the Lega – and the Minister of Economy Giovanni Tria are delicate. But certainly no such accusations were expected. As far as, noted by the ministry, the figure of the eight thousand jobs at risk with the dignity of the decree was already included in the technical report arrived via XX Settembre, and is the result of an estimate of the number of jobs. INPS, as we read in the offending pages. Indeed, the technical reports are presented with the provisions of the administrations which propose them. The accounting, in short, does not intervene in any way on the writing, but examines how much it receives and verifies the cover and the expenses: if the figures are in order, the provision is "stamped".

"Next time I will put the decree before send it around" reply Di Maio who says "amazed by the fact that Mef reacted that way … I did not mention the Mef, I just said that it is not the political party to have put these numbers in relation, that a decree to reduce the places but to reduce precariousness.In front of this decree there are many lobbies that scream , I ask the country a choice of camp: choose people but also opposition if they are from the lobby or people who have been slaughtered. "

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