Di Maio defends Foa: "He is a free journalist"


" Marcello Foa is a journalist with a straight back who has always done his job with great intellectual honesty and showing total independence, but today Pd and Forza Italia l 39; […] Vice-President of the Council Luigi Di Maio defends the president in charge of the RAI

"Sovereignty" is a word present in Article 1 of the Constitution. It's a beautiful word that comes back into fashion thanks to people like Foa. Those of the Democratic Party are then the same ones who put at the head of Rai one of the Bilderberg: Monica Maggioni, who is currently president of the Italian Trilateral. And now, they want to oppose a totally free journalist who is willing to do the exclusive interests of Rai and Italians? It would be resounding. "

On the name of Foa, the badault of the left has already begun.The PD and Leu have appealed to Forza Italia not to vote for the student of Montanelli to the presidency of the RAI Palazzo Madama, Andrea Marcucci, said: "We will oppose in all respects the election of Marcello Foa to Rai's presidency. We call on all opposition forces to prevent a friend of Putin, a journalist-publisher who campaigns against vaccines, widespread false news, insulted the head of state, who can chair the public service. As my colleague Faraone said on August 1, we will fight. "In a note, however, Leu turns to the Blues:" Forza Italia does not vote in RAI Commission Marcello Foa RAI President ", writes Leu group leader in the House, Federico Fornaro" A favorable vote would represent a gift resounding to the sovereign right and populist, unless Forza Italia definitely wants to capitulate to Salvini. "And again:" The law badigns a fundamental task to the RAI Supervisory Commission to identify a RAI president of 39, balance and guarantee and not clearly partisan: the exact opposite of Marcello Foa's profile. Next Wednesday, the RAI Supervisory Commission can and must exercise it until the end. "

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