Di Maio: dl dignity tonight in Cdm, we start to dismantle Jobs Act


The preconsiglio of ministers today. But also the council of ministers tonight because there is not only the dignity of the decree to be discussed, but also of the other subjects . Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said at a press conference that the decree will include interventions on the fixed-term contract and the increase of protections. Responding to reporters' questions about the convening of the CDM, Di Maio said that he would immediately call Palazzo Chigi for additional confirmation. Today, we begin to dismantle the Jobs Act, the chambers continue added Deputy Prime Minister. Among the contents of the provision also the stop announced to the game advertising – that Di Maio defines the social emergency – and this does not concern, for the Italian lottery.

Di Maio: stop at precariot only the beginning

I was reading the data on employment – said Di Maio in the press conference – all record celebrations. But we stop calling it record of occupation, today we have marked a record of precariousness of the Italian state . If we want to celebrate the work must be stable and dignified, he added, explaining that today, in the Dignit Decree, we are beginning to dismantle this part of the employment law. who created the precariet and only the beginning. strong and stronger.

"Today, in the Dignit Decree, we begin to dismantle that part of the employment law that created the precarious, and only the beginning"

Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Labor and Economic Development

We will help companies of the bureaucracy even professionals, start eliminating the institutions created to make money and we will endow this ministry with tools to make in the face of relocation crises, continued the Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Who explained: If I see a company that has taken money from the state and does not even bother to guarantee employment levels, then I have the right to ask repayment with interest.

Di Maio: game I see a lot worry about the blocking of advertising for the game – said the Deputy Prime Minister at the press conference – that a social emergency, someone one says that he should not go into a decree. And what should go into a decree? The game drives thousands of families into the vortex, which makes it spend all the savings. Those who talk to me about roofing apparently did not understand what the level of the problem was, he added

In the legislative package "light", spesometro slitta to September 30

The draft measure with urgent measures for the dignity of workers and enterprises – who, during his trip to Palazzo Chigi lost several pieces and gathered critics of the world of production on fixed-term contracts and contracts – contains, among other things, according to what is learned, a light tax package by the meter of profitability, expiry of the spheometer expires on February 28 (from September 30) and stop to split the payment only for professionals.

Rider, comes the first Charter of Values: hourly wage, insurance and coverage Inps

Azzardopatia, no stop at the advertising of Italy Lottery

According to what is learned, the announced tightening on advertising games and betting against gambling diseases will not affect current contracts and deferred lotteries. In fact, the document indicates that the stop does not apply to the logos on the safe and responsible game of the Customs Agency and Monopolies. Confirm the sanctions, which will apply in the future, to 5% of the value but with a minimum of 50 thousand euros

The pre-council odg

In the meeting of the pre-board of today, in addition to the decree dignity, review of the provision relating to the sale of patrol boats to the Coast Guard and the Libyan Navy and to a measure relating to the reorganization of the departments' powers. of Cultural Heritage, Agricultural Policies and the Environment

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