Di Maio launches a bonus for permanent hiring


The Minister of Labor Luigi Di Maio host of In Onda on La7, said that the government is considering " a bonus " for employers of A job that takes indefinitely . "We quantify the incentive ," adds the M5 policy maker, "there are 300 million euros a year " that can be used for this purpose . The bonus, again according to the predictions of Di Maio, should lead to a mbadacre of of 10% of cost of labor .


However, the figure indicated, ie 300 million euros per year, is definitely too low compared to the stated objective. Suffice it to say that the Gentiloni government's estimates made in 2017 quantified in 300 million euros the cost necessary to cover the reduction of each point percentage (0.01%) fiscal wedge, limiting the measure to new recruits with permanent contracts with increasing protections. The thing did not escape the President of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia who again on La7 replied: "Reduce the cost of labor by 10% It serves a few billion not millions. I imagine that the $ 300 million is only for the transformation of fixed-term contracts indefinitely. Then, with the Stability Act it will be necessary to choose. We can do what has been said, which costs 70 billion in a period of five years and not in six months. The same Minister of Labor thus specified: "For the incentives to stable hypotheses in the law of finances we will put much more of 300 millions a year."


The contract of indefinite duration, says Di Maio anyway, "must become normality that is the process we want to promote". As for amendments that the decree dignity is intended to bring to the discipline of futures contracts the Minister of Labor asked not to do "psychological terrorism", because that Italy "traditionally protects the rights of workers". And if today the fixed-term contract seems to have become "the only way to badume" in our country, this situation "must change" ( read also: How the text of the decree of dignity ) changes. 19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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