Di Maio launches the idea of ​​an Italian Netflix: "Rai and Mediaset must renew themselves"


The idea is that of a kind of Italian Netflix. A new platform with which Rai and Mediaset should also be counted, for once matched and placed under the same conditions in a changing market. And the hypothesis becomes almost the proposal of a kind of "state Netlifx" if to sketch is the Minister of Economic Development with delegation to TLC Luigi Di Maio. Not only that. It becomes very "heavy" if it is the strategist of the 5-star Movement, Davide Casaleggio, who has not so easily entered openly and publicly about an affair.

In a long article published on the Blog of Stars titled "Traditional television has counted, but the next Netflix may be Italian", Di Maio clearly states that "if the next Netflix will be Italian depends on investments what Today, I'm thinking of giving the opportunity to start-up companies dealing with the creation of new formats and multimedia content, to those who make applications in this sector, to those who invent new technologies to In the end, stimulate creativity and technological skills in these areas. " And Rai and Mediaset are coupled in the minister's text: "It will be essential for them to be able to renew themselves with new people and new ideas, to think of new products and to enter into a logic completely different from that of followed until now. In particular, Rai must begin to triumph and merge with new air. The first step is the end of the subdivision on the one hand and the claim to have pure editors of the other ".

Soon after the comment, on Facebook by Davide Casaleggio: "If we wait to see the future, it will arrive from abroad," he wrote on the social network . "We need to start building it ourselves." The case of the Italian media industry is emblematic: it was waiting for Netflix to come in to worry about the innovation of its business model. innovation not when it's inevitable, but when it's possible.Now that's the case. "

In his long speech, however, Di Maio had also proposed a series of data clearly indicating "where to invest to guarantee a future for our country". "Friday Morgan Stanley has released a report on the future of television with unequivocal data: in Italy currently, Netflix has an estimated penetration rate of about 6%, but it is growing by 3% per year and will therefore reach 20% in 5 years – writes the political leader of the Cinquestelle -. This will be the point of no return that in America coincided with the decline in the consumption of traditional television. They expect that in the next 5 years, traditional Italian and European operators will see their profits fall by 40%. As a result of this badysis, Morgan Stanley has degraded its judgment on some companies, such as Mediaset, which went from 3.8 to 2 with a crash of nearly 5% with an action now worth 2.7 euros. This worsened the Germans: ProsiebenSat lost 7.53% and Rtl 7.26%.

July 1, 2018 (change July 1, 2018 | 19:18)


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