Di Maio: "No to Ceta, we will remove the officials who defend him"


Di Maio confirms the line already expressed by the Minister of Agriculture Centinaio: Italy will block the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement with Canada (CETA). "Ceta – the Deputy Prime Minister told the Coldiretti badembly – will have to arrive in the Ratification Room and this majority will reject it", in reference to the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement. European Union entered into force on 21 September 2017 ratification phase by the EU countries. "Being here, it is also claiming some healthy sovereignty". Di Maio adds in his speech, explaining that "if you try to defend excellence" as Made in Italy, you are accused of being "populist and anti-European".

Di Maio adds, in a threatening tone: "If even one of the Italian officials who represent Italy abroad will continue to defend treaties like the Cetas, it will be deleted. " The Cet is accused by the M5S-Lega government of encouraging the landing of products that copy the made in Italy, especially in the agri-food sector. Who defends the CET emphasizes the opposite that the treaty protects 40 typically Italian products.

The theme of the defense of agribusiness made in Italy against counterfeiting was at the center of the Coldiretti badembly . President Roberto Moncalvo has denounced that one in five products coming from abroad does not respect the regulations on the protection of the health and the environment or the rights of the workers, to begin with that on the corporal, in force in our country.

Moncalvo bears the examples "of South American fruits and vegetables grown with child labor, obtained African with pesticides banned in Europe for decades to Kenya flowers produced by underpaid workers and without rights". In the first half of 2018 in Italy, says the president of Coldiretti, "there were 222 food emergencies according to the EU Rapid Alert System (Rasff) especially due to pathogenic microorganisms, mycotoxins , heavy metals, parasitic infestations or foreign bodies. Foods coming in nearly 9 out of 10 cases abroad. "And again:" With 86% of the food alarms triggered in Italy in 2018 according to foreign products, it is necessary to expand as quickly as possible. the obligation to indicate the designation of origin to all foods on the market to avoid consumer psychosis and to confine urgency more quickly. "

Half good for harvest, "to compensate soon"

On coupons "it is necessary to do soon because in agriculture about half is used for harvesting that this year begins with early August, while
the collections of vegetables and fruits are already fully exploited. "This would be, explains Moncalvo, a return of the instrument to ten years of their introduction in Italy (August 19, 2008), with an Inps circular authorizing the collecting grapes through vouchers in order to reduce e bureaucracy, recognizing the specificity of work. "With their return to the camps – stresses Moncalvo – yes
reaffirm the original principles without the abuses that took place in other sectors, also because in the campaigns the beneficiaries can only be unemployed, cbadintegrati, retirees and young students, less than 2% of total vouchers were used in agriculture and represent a valuable contribution to the emergence of the undeclared. "The reform" effectively eliminated this opportunity the year before. last in the countryside, which also allows young students to get closer to the agricultural world or keep active retirees, "with" the loss of about 50,000 casual regular jobs that can be recovered with transparency in seasonal activities. "

In the years following the introduction in 2008, the possibility of use for other agricultural activities has been expanded but – points out Coldiretti – the sector has remained faithful to the "experimental" discipline original with all initial limitations and number The number of vouchers used in agriculture has remained virtually stable since 2011 without the abuses that have occurred in other areas. In agriculture they were sold in the five years before the repeal a little over 2 million, more or less the same as the previous 5 years, about 350 thousand days / year of work. The total value of income supplements is rising, according to Coldiretti, to about 22 million euros a year while the region where they are most used is Veneto with just over a quarter of the total. According to a Coldiretti / Ix survey, 68% of young Italians would be available to participate in the harvesting or picking of fruits

Di Maio: we write together the rule of the good

"I now film these false news to which I am Would have given up on the causes of seasonal contracts but the seasonal have never had the causes, they have their own discipline. "It is the Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi di Maio, in margin of the badembly Coldiretti. "We reintroduced with the decree
the dignity of the grounds for the general fixed-term contracts, those which deal generally with the set time. On the other hand, seasonal workers have no motive, they never had it. If agricultural coupons are "important", the only thing I ask is to write the standard together, "asks the Minister of Labor and Economic Development. "The coupons have been completely eliminated with an unhealthy way of thinking," said the minister. "For fear of
losing the referendum on coupons, we continued to make them disappear completely" and "doing things like that, they do damage". And he clarifies: "As a political force, we said that the reason they were born was a good reason.But between the Poletti Decree, Jobs Act and others were used for everything and to a certain point the exploitation of our young people began, "concludes Di Maio.

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