Di Maio reassures China and Huawei, but security concerns remain


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Investment by Chinese companies in Italy is not a security problem. Word of Luigi Di Maio, who is now back to speak about the dangers that, according to insiders and intelligence services, stem from the presence on the peninsula of companies like Huawei in the telecommunications sector.
"As the Minister of Economic Development, who receives reports on national security," said in a press release the Vice President of the Council, "I am neither warned nor suspected of problems concerning this type of". investment". An opinion, that of Di Maio, contrasting with what has been detected several times by experts heard by Formiche.net and the same Western secret services (including Italian), not new to alert about it.


For the owner of the Ministry of the Put, at these times in Shanghai to promote the best business of the peninsula at the Forum of Trade and Innovation (here the names of the current and planned appointments), "the relations trade with China is based on the G2G "(Government to Government, ed) and" if governments do not talk to each other, it is difficult for companies to progress ". Rome and Beijing, he reiterated, "can create partnerships for big projects." The meetings I have here are intended to allow investment in Italy in new technologies, agribusiness, tourism 'automobile and mechanics'.
The Chinese economy, added the head of pentastellati, "requires a lot of good Italian cuisine, Italian design and Made in Italy, it is my duty, as Minister of Economic Development, to encourage these companies ".


In addition, many experts in geopolitics, economics and security commented on these chronicles. The challenge for the current leader is to make the most of the many economic opportunities offered by a huge and growing market such as the Chinese market. The executive of M5S and Lega also wants to intercept thanks to the work of a group of working on Sino-Italian relations led by Undersecretary Michele Geraci), but without giving way to more delicate investments in strategic technologies such as 5G, where Huawei seems to have acquired a preferential position in the peninsula.
"We are so worried about devices, it's what can happen with the use of smartphones, tablets or insecure PCs," Giuseppe Esposito, former vice president of Copasir, the parliamentary secret surveillance committee ", but the role of infrastructure is not yet paramount Who controls the networks controls all information, even 24 hours a day." The theme, Esposito stressed only the presence of Chinese actors, but also "of our networks all the information and data relating to the essential badets of the transit of the nation, I think of those of diplomacy, defense or energy. Unfortunately, from this point of view, the successive governments since 2011 have not done much, despite our calls, but also the fears repeatedly raised by our intelligence services, which have facilities. dedicated to this type of problem ".


It is no coincidence that the issue of networks and 5G technology has long been at the center of the global confrontation between China and the United States, the latter not losing the opportunity to publicly denounce the issue. Beijing's aggression in cyberspace to acquire American intellectual property. Washington and many Western countries have adopted a clear strategy regarding this type of investment, effectively banning some companies, including Huawei and ZTE. Italy, however, is not going in another direction and it is not without risk. To explain the reasons, it was a Formiche.net the historian and the economist Giulio Sapelli. "While elsewhere Chinese giants, now monopolists in terms of network infrastructure, are excluded from calls for public offers to promote national control over these strategic badets, we are guilty of neglecting a crucial for national security, "he said. "I also believe," added the professor, "that the repercussions, especially economic and geopolitical, are underestimated, that an excessive rapprochement with Beijing, en route to Washington, may result for our country".


Yet he recalled Formiche.net, 007 The Italians have repeatedly warned the government in recent years – in 2012 and 2014 – of the advance of the multinational high-tech, which is private (98.6% of shares, recalls Il Sole) . ) but nevertheless receives substantial funds from some of the largest Chinese state banks such as the Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and was founded by a former officer of the People's Liberation Army Chinese, Ren Zhengfei.
Among those who have already pointed out the risks of using national communication networks with foreign subjects, including Beijing, one of the most active was precisely Senator Giuseppe Esposito, who called for the creation of a dedicated working group.
A similar initiative has been taken in recent weeks by the vice president of Copasir (who has heard, perhaps even on this issue, Di Maio on this issue), who proposes the establishment of a commission of 39: survey of acquisitions of Italian companies by foreign companies, especially Chinese.


at Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffè, Professor of Strategy at the Bocconi School of Business Management, "despite the appropriate distinctions, necessary when geopolitical interests are at stake", the way forward by the EU, and therefore also by Italy, on As with other basic ICT technologies, 5G must take into account what has been applied in the United States: private investment, transparency and technological neutrality, and adequate public security governance. "

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The social farewell between Matteo Salvini and Elisa Isoardi. Photos

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