Di Maio: "The mafia is an attitude, even banks and men of the state"


The mafia is primarily an attitude, not only of an organization but also of some banks, as evidenced by the judgments that recognize wear, and some men and state organizations . Luigi Di Maio expresses after meeting with the anti-mafia entrepreneur Nino De Masi, who has signed agreements with the government stake, but the banks do not worry: if the state word is worthless, there is something that does not work it goes. There are multinationals who take incentives, give their word on employment and then abandon the state – continues the Minister of Labor and Deputy Prime Minister -. They have used them badly, we demand respect: this government will never be with the entrepreneurs who campaigned with public money and then they gave up to go abroad, even when their budgets n & # 39; Were not in crisis.

"anti-banking entrepreneur"

Nino De Masi, entrepreneur active in container handling in the port of Gioia Tauro, engaged since the late 80's on the side of the fight against & # 39; Ndrangheta. In the early 2000s, he also denounced the main Italian banks for abuse of dominant role; since 2013, under escort and its establishment by the army, for severe intimidation suffered by local organized crime. This has become over the years a symbol of the battle for banking crimes, and the will to continue living and working in Calabria despite the threats. Many would like to make me skin but I persevered today, before entering the department of Via Veneto to illustrate two projects: a program to make members become employees in the profits of the company, to bring wealth and raise a protective wall to the workers, discouraging the gangs meanwhile; and a public society with social purpose and not speculative, against the violence of the mafias. If Italian entrepreneurs are heroes, those of the South are superheroes, said Di Maio, announcing his personal support in the conflict between De Masi and Monte dei Paschi di Siena. Calabria, 55, was not the first industrial "enlisted" by the M5S: early in the legislature, he was advising businessman Brianza Sergio Bramini, who had failed because of the State that had accumulated more than 4 million euros.


Forza Italia, in opposition, reacts to the convictions of Di Maio: He has exceeded all limits, the Minister of Labor who has never worked in his life thinks that & # 39; He is still in the election campaign MEP Stefano Maullu, saying these words as insulting and irresponsible. Do you realize what he says? If you have the tests, please name and surname – adds the Italian deputy, Elvira Savino – otherwise stop throwing mud at the institutions of the republic.

July 2, 2018 (change July 2, 2018 | 18:51)


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