Di Maio to Di Tuesday: on the income of citizenship, we can not wait


Di Maio in Di on Tuesday confers with the Republic's director, Mario Calabresi, and explains the repeated attacks on the EU: "If anyone does not want me to bring home a quota of 100 or the The citizen's income that I respond to is not a battle against Europe, but we want to make the promises we made come true, and we have to do it right away because there is no time. " On the income of citizenship and the quota 100 for the access to the pension "we can not expect, it is necessary to do it right away".

The debate is moving soon about the freedom of the press. "The freedom of the press in this country is the possibility for the citizens to know the facts.For me, in the newspapers today, there are too many lies and campaigns against somebody. One, and you have to ask yourself, but is not it that this publisher is campaigning for his own interests? " Di Maio squaderna in studio a few first pages. And it is the owner who defies the political host "you are now a member of the government, not the opposition … He comes here with photocopies of newspapers to challenge them". "You are no longer beautiful and free under the law because you are in opposition, you are the government," answers Calabresi while the comparison is heated.

"But how did you fight Berlusconi when he left Mediaset to his children and that he now tells me that De Benedetti left the quota to his children?" Says the voice of Di Maio who does not accept not the comparisons "with North Korea".

Tension that Calabresi dilutes with the realism "cathodic": "We are so against the matches, or we move a little … or do not win with the title".

Maria Latella and Lucia Annunziata arrive in the studio with Maurizio Molinari, director of La Stampa, connected from Turin. The management shows the video of Maria Elena Boschi addressed to Luigi Di Maio. "Mrs. Boschi," replied the minister to the three directors in turn, "went to Consob to ask for help for his father's bank: this is a case opposite to mine because there was children who were going to ask for fathers Today, I do not help my father to conceal the facts: I wear newspapers in Le Hyenas "to whom" I never asked not to broadcast their services as someone else has done in the past ".

"I can ask a father what he has done in life, but fathers do not always tell their children, but I do not want to download my father," says Di Maio. "When I worked for my father's company, I was regularly marked" by a contract and "I will present all the relevant documents".

Deputy Prime Minister M5s points out, however, that "Renzi and Boschi were involved in the affairs concerning their fathers as ministers and she was going to ask the Consob for help for her father, Renzi, her father and Lotti were in the history of the biggest contract in the history of Consip.We are talking here about events that occurred while I did not even think about being a member of Parliament, and today, I do not m … do not mind, "he said.

Finally, answer the thorny questions about the displeasure of the Movement about the decree on security: "I do not call them dissident, the Movement is in full turmoil but I will not call them dissidents".

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