Di Maio warns the League: "There is a contract, it must be respected by both parties"


Luigi Di Maio, President Mattarella issued a strict warning on the maneuver.
What President Mattarella said was reasonable. The head of state is watching the evolution of the situation with much attention. His attention is ours: we too are committed to protecting the interests of Italians.

S, while the head of state invites dialogue with the EU, Salvini prepares the place. What does the movement do?
We are already in the squares for months to explain the maneuver. It is clear that with the European Commission, it is important to engage in a dialogue, but we are not moving back one millimeter at a time for what is in the text and for what has not yet been added to the meeting room. measure on gold pensions and editorial breaks.

They label you as those who do not want a free press, now they also cut the funds …
With the cuts, we do not say that we do not want a free press. Indeed. But we want it to be released first from public funds to prevent it from being influenced by parties.

Back to the EU, what compromises are you willing to accept?
The compromise was to understand that the austerity policies had not triumphed in Italy, but in many other countries before it.

Excuse me, but if that happens, you risk heavy penalties if you are not in the troika's shadow.
I do not think that will happen at this point. Do not arrive, there are not even conditions for certain badumptions. And I am convinced that Prime Minister Conté and Minister Tria will be able to explain to the Commission the merits of the maneuver.

But you would not want to take steps towards the European Union?
If the problem is to question citizenship income or Fornero's overtaking, it does not matter. Specific that there are other waste reductions to make and we will go to the end.

The income from citizenship is disputed by Giancarlo Giorgetti. He said that he has no indifferent implementation complications.
We have always been clear, the revenues will be operational in the first three months of 2019. If I see a problem, not in the resources nor in the rules, but when someone does not believe in what we are doing. If a member of the government does not believe in what we are doing, it is a risk to citizens.

Giorgetti also said that with the uniform tax, the attitude of the EU and the market would have been different.
They made them a political choice. These are their choices for the finance law. I am satisfied with mine, they are not satisfied with them, it does not depend on us.

There is also disease in the movement. The waters on safety have not fallen. What to say to the badembly?
These are not new situations. There are people who think they hold the truth, but we have signed a government contract that must be respected by both entrepreneurs. I am thinking of the Lega stance on the statute of limitations or the rules on the transparency of party-related foundations. I do not know what their problems are, I can say that among us 94% of the activists voted in favor of the contract on the Rousseau platform, but there is also 6% who did not vote and this is reflected in the parliamentary group.

But if some senators were to vote against or leave the clbadroom?
I hope in the good sense of parliamentarians on both sides.

Would you accept the vote of Giorgia Meloni and Fratelli d'Italia in the Senate?
You do not need it. The goal is to maintain the government with the majority that exists. Of course, in the House, those who want to vote for a measure vote for it.

worried about the elections that caused the fall of the Movement?

Thea decision on the faucet will have electoral relapses?
No, it will not be because we have been sincere and the realization of the work can not be attributed to us. When we looked at the maps that we could only do when we contacted the government, we realized that the price would have been too high.

But some parliamentarians were unbalanced during the election campaign.
The people who fought the tap worked hard, but then had to face the fact that the amount of compensation would have been too high, which would be an economic maneuver.

Would you put your hand on fire on the fact that the Tav will not be done?
I put my hand on the government contract. And the government contract provides for the rediscussion of the project for Tav. We entered this possibility because we knew that there was no risk of compensation here. And let me say ….

I would like to point out that we are not against high speed, but I do not consider Turin-Lyon's strategic work for the country, when I think of Naples-Bari or Tav in Sicily.

How will you behave with the Brenner Tunnel or the third pbad?
These projects will also be evaluated on the basis of a cost-benefit badysis. I repeat: we are not against big jobs, but against the idea of ​​doing work only to spend money.

He announced a $ 4 billion tax on banks and insurance companies: are not you worried that this will have repercussions on the financing of credit?
No, this calculation has been weighted taking into account the tolerance limit: if they allow it.

leave for China for the second time in two months. Do you sell Btp?
I will not sell government bonds, but make deals for our farmers, promote our excellences. And I hope to continue to understand the Silk Road: Italy would be the first European country to enter.

He talked about reducing the salaries of parliamentarians. How do you plan to act?
I think that thirteen thousand euros of salary by adding the various elements are too numerous. I think it is necessary to act by removing the post allowance and part of the per diem, as we have already done without waiting for law.

Cut wages for your reports are firm.
Not true. Indeed. This month alone, we will organize a day of restitution. Compared with the past, money is no longer at the bottom of microcredit, which we are now financing as a government, but intended to finance projects chosen by the members to intervene even more directly with people in need. difficulty.

November 3, 2018 (Modified November 3, 2018 | 07:11)


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