Di Maio with Invatec workers: "I am your guardian angel"


"Consider me as your guardian angel.The government is on your side and we adopt Monday a decree that commits all businesses to stay in the national territory if they took the money from the state ". Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, told 314 workers of the Casaglia Torbole Invatec (Brescia) that the US multinational Medtronic has announced mbadive layoffs because she wants to move her production to Mexico, the United States and Ireland.

"In the past – Di Maio added – the government was not respected, it was very uncomfortable ]. On what is already in place, I do not know if we can intervene with a law. But for sure, this can never happen again. After the norm that we are going to spend Monday, if they want to let the money taken as state aid, they will have to make them all and with the interests. "Not just that." We are facing to a real nonsense, with companies that are good, their business continues but our workers lose their jobs. This story must end. Here in Torbole, most of the workers are women. Now I wonder how you can fill the mouth with rights and protection of women's work and then there are companies that come here, take the money out of the redundancy fund to restructure companies and leave. On July 12, at the table set for Mise, I will be on the side of the workers, who have been in defense for 24 days to defend their professionalism. " The Invatec-Medtronic workers remain in garrison until the end, waiting for the meeting of July 12th.
Di Maio remained in front of the doors for about forty minutes, supported by the Undersecretary of Labor, the Brazilian parliamentarian Claudio Cominardi and also by the head of the crisis cell of his ministry, Giorgio Sorial, former parliamentarian pentastellato . Before the union leaders explained the situation and submitted a summary document. So much applause and enthusiastic slogans addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister by the workers ("You are one of us!") Who have stormed it for ritual selfies. Then the Deputy Prime Minister departed aboard a white Opel Astra.

June 30, 2018 | 17:36


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