died as a result of a car accident, but wakes up in the cold room


A South African woman was pronounced dead after a terrible car accident [VIDEO] on June 24th. Up to now, this does not seem to be a new noteworthy, if it was not for a clamorous mistake made by the doctors. In fact, the lady was alive and continued to breathe in her cold room for more than two days. Now she is still hospitalized

The Story

A story at the limit between the "miracle" and the horror film. After a road accident on June 24, the protagonist of the case had no chance of survival. The doctors, in fact, immediately noted the death and, as usual, inserted the body of the South African woman in a special cold room, so that it could be kept until the funeral.

Two more people died in the terrible car accident. If for the latter, however, there was no loophole, what happened to the woman left speechless all the staff of the Carletonville morgue. An attendant, during one of the many practices necessary for the body to remain intact, discovered that the same person who, until a moment ago, was considered sadly deceased, was still breathing in his own room cold.


The family of the South African lady, although content with such news, is now waiting for explanations from the hospital where the woman was hastily declared dead. The latter, in fact, is still hospitalized for badessments of his state of health, obviously debilitated two long days in a cold room.

The doctors, on the other hand, tried to defend themselves by explaining that, upon the arrival of the "miraculous lady" inside the hospital, blows and breathing were totally absent. At this point, some questions arise spontaneously: how is it possible that no one has noticed that the patient was still breathing? Was it really a "temporary death" or are we facing such an incredible and sensational superficiality from Carletonville Hospital staff? It will not be easy to answer these questions a posteriori. What is certain is that, from now on, the structure in question will take much longer to declare an officially deceased person [VIDEO].

This article has been verified with:

  • http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/mondo/sudafrica-dichiarata-morta-dopo-un-incidente-si-sveglia-in-obitorio_3149542-201802a.shtml
  • https: //www.ilmessaggero .it / primopiano / estates / cella_frigorifera_viva_sudafrica-3832128.html

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