Diet 2019 | Advice | Diet to lose weight Rice diet


Diet 2019 | Advice | Mediterranean diet | Diet to lose weight Blood type diet | Rice diet | Gluten-free diet | Lemon diet

DIET 2019 – The beginning of the new is characterized for all of us by a series of good intentions to be implemented over the next twelve months.

Among these, the goal of losing weight. Here is a series of reliable and credible diets that you can follow to get back in shape.


We remember one important thing: these are general tips and for information purposes. In fact, before starting any diet, you should always consult your doctor.

Also avoid self-made diets that may do more harm than good.

A good diet must be balanced and healthy, it must contain all the main nutrients and various foods that serve our body.

Therefore, be wary of diets that do not represent a balanced diet or calories.

Diet 2019 | Mediterranean diet

This is the typical diet of some countries in the Mediterranean basin, especially Italy, but also Spain or Greece.

A diet enjoyed around the world, to such an extent that it was recognized in 2010 by UNESCO as well protected and inscribed on the list of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity.

This is actually a diet that can reduce the incidence of diseases typical of richer societies.

Typical foods of the Mediterranean diet include plenty of fruits, vegetables, vegetables, bread and cereals, but also potatoes, nuts and various legumes.

In order to properly follow the prescriptions of this diet, it is necessary to prefer fresh seasonal fruits, olive oil and not to exceed with dairy products, fish, poultry, red meat and of course alcoholic drinks.

To simplify things, a food pyramid has been created. She graphically indicates what she eats and how much.

For example, an adult man would need about 2,500 calories a day, including 55 to 65% carbohydrates, 20 to 30% fat and 10 to 15% protein.


Diet 2019 | Rice diet

One of the healthiest and lightest diets, which is very popular today and that we recommend for 2019 is the rice-based diet. This is a nine-day weight loss program that promises to lose up to five pounds.

Rice has a strong satiating power, thanks to its high fiber content and the fact that it absorbs a lot of water during cooking.

In this way, the nocturnal hunger crises are avoided, which can not be reconciled with a correct diet. Among the other characteristics of rice, be low in sodium and containing fewer calories.

Among the existing varieties of rice, those to be favored are: rice vine, basmati rice, red rice, brown rice and wild rice.

Of course, you can and should eat something else: fresh fruits, vegetables, other cereals, unpotted legumes (fresh or dried) and few protein foods, such as very fine cheeses, fish and chicken bads.

Excluded: salt, vinaigrette oil, butter, margarine, fatty and alcoholic foods.


Diet 2019 | Gluten-free diet

As can be seen, this type of diet eliminates all foods containing gluten, pasta and bread.

Above all, these foods make a lot of people fat.

You can eat foods with other types of flour, rice or millet, in addition to using rice or quinoa. The results are quite fast and easily visible from an aesthetic point of view.

Diet 2019 | Diet

A diet adapted to the characteristics of each blood group, advising different foods according to the different groups of members.

In short, depending on the blood group, certain foods and sports to practice are recommended.

For example, those belonging to blood group 0 should focus on red meat and vegetables.

Diet 2019 | Lemon diet

It's a rather stiff diet, but it allows you to lose weight in a short time.

It provides a first three-day phase, the goal of which is first to cleanse the body as in a detox diet, and a seven-day phase, with a menu designed to lose at least three pounds in a week.

In addition to lemon, this includes the use of lean little foods such as fish, white meat, vegetables, fruits (especially reds) and dried fruits.

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