Dignity, Salvini: if you do not agree, why Boeri does not resign? | Di Maio: we can not take it off now


The President of the INPS responds: "The data are not intimidated, we are now in economic negation"

Finally, it seems that it is the Social Security Institute "the little hand" that according to Luigi Di Maio – and apparently according to the Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria – would have included in the technical report available these figures on the decline of contracts so unwelcome to the Minister of Labor

Thus, to recompose the dispute between the 5-star Movement on the one hand and the Treasury and the General Accounting Office of the state threatened by pentastellati of a repulisti general, Di Maio made it clear that he has never "ever been charged" neither the Ministry of Economy nor the accounting and, in a joint communique, Tria has acquitted itself of its responsibility precisely on the INPS . For the holder of the Economy, the calculations of the Institute reported in the report are "without scientific basis and as such doubtful."

A severe attack that Matteo Salvini does not hesitate to mount: "If Boeri is not" agreement resigns " Deputy Prime Minister of the League The North is increasing the case.While Di Maio observes that "we can not withdraw Boeri now, when it expires – warns the minister – we will take into account that he is a president of the INPS. that does not agree with the ideas of the government "

collision with the yellow-green government for different views on the changes to the Fornero law and the positive contribution in terms of social security flow, however, to go against the tide, even in relations with the previous executive, there is. " The data is not intimidated" he responds to Salvini, claiming his estimates.They are not those who must be afraid, he says.

"Instead, this campaign scares those who try to put the public confrontation on an objective basis, "he counterattacks. That of the government is the "economic negationism" he insists. The president admits that it is not easy to exactly determine the impact on the labor market of the new rules born to thwart insecurity, but "its negative sign is out of the question".

So much so that the INPS estimates 8 thousand fewer contracts is even "relatively optimistic". According to forecasts, 10% of fixed-term contracts that reach 24 months are not transformed into other contracts, "but give rise to flows to unemployment absorbed by Naspi", which will then be covered financially by resources public.

it is estimates, "no data", do they fall under the Ministry of Economy. It is precisely for this reason that, confirming the long gestation period of the decree approved on July 2 but published in the Official Journal on the 13th, by Via XX Settembre, it is noted that in the same decree a followed ad hoc is specifically asked to evaluate the impact of the measures in time

Article 14 of the provision, devoted exclusively to cover and absent from the first versions of the decree, so appeared just before accounting, is indeed planned for a quarterly review "higher expenses and lower income" resulting from the rules that reduce the duration of fixed-term contracts, entrusted however – once again – to the INPS which must inform the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Economy.

In a certain way Manforte to Boeri is meanwhile Carlo Cottarelli : also according to him a negative impact on the contracts will be there, but the concern is primarily or for the "possible attempt to make the badessment of who should give an objective and technical judgment of less technical and objective government measures ".

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