Discovery maxi escape in the production of luxury shoes – Chronicle


Arezzo, 3 July 2018 – Maxi Discovery Escape carried out by a major company manufacturing and selling shoes

The discovery, as part of the law enforcement of the Guard of Financing for international tax evasion and unfair competition between companies, is the central unit of the economic police of Arezzo, specialized department of the organization. Nucleo soldiers identified a British company that operated in Italy in total tax evasion and hidden by a so-called "permanent organization" which is a center of activity set up in the seat of another Italian company (known by the Fiscus), from where he managed and administered – without ever being exposed to the Italian tax authorities – all the production and marketing of the product.

Other investigations, including international ones, allowed to verify that the Italian company, in the production carried out on behalf of the English company, availed itself of the service of manpower provided by various individual companies, has been successful over time and all run by Chinese citizens based in the province of Florence and Arezzo. These companies, mainly active for short periods, never filed their income tax return or did not report a substantial part of their income, while failing to pay benefits. social security to their employees. ] This fraudulent scheme created distortive effects and damage to free and healthy competition between businesses, allowing the customer to realize significant and undue tax savings . In conclusion, the Italian company was producing high-end shoes (retail sales up to 800 – 1,000 euros per pair) to Chinese tax evaders, which made the fictional foreign sale later, when the goods remained in Italy in the availability of British society, unknown to the tax authorities

In the end, irregular Chinese workers and incomes moved to Britain, with damages for the Italian tax authorities and for companies from the same sector who pay taxes in Italy. Given the strength of the results, representatives of English and Italian companies have asked the Inland Revenue to access the deflationary payment facility by already paying the tax authorities 800,000 euros worth of tax. ; taxes. In addition, three people of Chinese descent were reported for various tax and social security offenses, after withdrawing tax revenue of about 3 million euros, evaded I.V.A. for 500 thousand euros and omitted social security deductions payments for around 75 thousand euros. An equal seizure was also requested to protect the credit of the Italian tax authorities.

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