Dismantling, fiscal peace and amnesty: etc. what changes in the maneuver


Disposal, fiscal peace, baby bonus and e-cigarette. These are the subjects related to certain amendments to the decree related to the maneuver approved yesterday by the Senate. The voucher for the tax decree is slipped. Here are all the news.


Anyone adhering to the demolition will be able to free himself from his debt towards the taxman by dividing the amount due in 18 installments spread over 5 years. The Senate Chamber approved the amendment that amends the rule contained in the decree related to the maneuver. The law, arriving at Palazzo Madama, provides for payment in one installment before July 31, 2019. The proposed amendment also divides the payment into four annual installments, the first to be paid within 30 days. July 31, 2019, the second to November 30 (each representing 10% of the amount due), the third to February 29 and the fourth to May 31. In addition, anyone who adheres to the scrap can receive the unique contribution regularity document. There are then five days of "tolerance" to pay the slices of the countdown. In fact, an amendment was approved to prevent the cancellation of the amnesty because of slight delays in the payment of sums due to the tax authorities.

Tax peace

Increases discounts for those who are in conflict with the tax authorities and want to close the game. The approved amendment aims to increase the number of admissions to the amnesty. The discount for those who won in the first instance increases from 50% to 60% of the amount due (it will be enough to pay 40%, without interest or penalties). For those who have earned second degree after losing initially, the discount goes from 80% to 85% and, therefore, it will be enough to pay 15% of the amount requested by the tax authorities. Finally, who won the first two degrees of judgment and expects that the Court of Cbadation can close the party by paying only 5% of the sum. Even those who have not yet entered the court can join the amnesty for 90% of the amount due, then 10% discount. Sanctions and interest are canceled in all cases.

Condone tombale

Farewell to the funeral amnesty. Article 9 of the taxation decree related to the maneuver, which contains the amnesty, is completely rewritten with an amendment approved by the Senate, which introduces several amendments, starting with the regularization of minor errors made in tax returns, IRAP and VAT. The payment of a lump sum of 200 euros per taxation year is planned, for a maximum of 5 years.

Baby bonus

The baby bonus arrives, for one year, equal to 960 euros that go up to 1,152 euros from the second child. "The allowance of 80 euros" is paid for each child born or adopted from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019, only until the first year of age or the first year of entry in the family unit ". From the second child ", the amount increased by 20%", which represents a sum of 1 152 euros.


The threshold of access to the threshold falls from 30 million to 20 million, thus expanding the audience to subjects who may submit the application to the financial administration for a prior badessment. MALTEMPO – Half a billion euros to build houses, build roads and plant trees in areas affected by bad weather this year. & # 39; & # 39; In order to meet the needs arising from the disasters that occurred in September and October 2018 – reads in the approved proposal – a fund is created with an initial allocation of 474.6 million euros for the year 2019 and 50 million for the year 2020 ", for a total of 524.6 million euros over two years.

Electronic cigarettes

Taxes on electronic cigarettes range from 50% to 5%. With the 2018 Finance Act, a provision introducing the maximum levy was introduced; with the proposed amendment, the measure is reviewed by significantly reducing the tax.

Transfer of money

Withholding tax of 1.5% on the money transfer arrives, money transfers from Italy come out of the European Union. A fixed minimum amount of 10 euros is provided. & # 39; & # 39; As of 1 January 2019 – stipulates the proposal for amendment – a tax is levied on remittances, excluding commercial transactions, to countries outside the European Union & # 39; ; & # 39 ;.

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