Dl Dignità, Conte: we are not against companies. Confindustria: very negative signal


The Government

Di Maio: "It is a coherent government, or political government". Count: the precariousness of the workers "can not last in time". Gentiloni: obstacles to work and investments

Di Maio e Conte (Photo by Twitter @luigidimaio)


"I am happy, as president and head of this government, that the first decree which characterizes our political direction is entitled to the recovery of dignity ". So Giuseppe Conte, opening the press conference at the Palazzo Chigi for the presentation of the Dl Dignità. The provision adopted "contrasts the precariousness of work" because the precariousness of the workers "can not last in time".

"We respect the centrality of Parliament and respect our prerogatives, we respect those of Parliament," so said the count hoping "consistency on the part of parliamentarians" in the perspective two "coherent political forces" within them.

"The reality of work in our group is very different from the way it is portrayed in the press: sometimes we read newspapers for glittering details, and if you attended our meetings, you would not get it. no clue ". So the prime minister to those who questioned him on the "protagonism" of Matteo Salvini. "Sometimes these are personal opinions, but the important thing is to pursue a government program, there is no hypersensitivity.

"Healthy Alliance with Businesses"
After Confidustria's criticism of Dl Dignità, Conte states: "We are not in contrast with the business world, on the contrary, we will take steps to stimulate the action of companies.We want a healthy alliance with the world of work and business ".

Count: government in the field against "azzardopatia"
Another point of the press conference: the game. "We fought against the game with measures against the game, all initiatives in the program We do not want forms of addiction that are no less harmful than the abuse of alcohol and drugs, "said Giuseppe Conte. "These pathological excesses should not be helped by advertising initiatives," he added.

Di Maio: cover to stop fighting for the illegal game contrasted
Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio of the same opinion. "The majority is compact on the theme" azzardopatia "on which we fought when we were in opposition and on which we found ourselves writing the contact.The 2018 does not provide any kind of coverage, in 2019-2020 we have with monopoly agency a plan to fight the illegal gambling that will allow us to drain money into the coffers of the state ". So the Minister Luigi Di Maio

The DL is a mortal blow to precariousness and bureaucracy
With the decree dignity, also explains Di Maio, "so that people come back to the state , more numbers, indexes, ATMs We are giving a deadly blow to job insecurity by launching the law on employment, a fatal blow to bureaucracy and we are the first country in Europe to say enough about advertising the game ". "We are beginning to make ourselves respected by the multinationals who come here, take the public money and relocate," he says. "We will always be on the side of honest companies but precarious work is a scourge that does not allow the creation of new families"

Di Maio: on the side of entrepreneurs
"We will always be on the side of entrepreneurs , even decreasing the cost of labor that will allow jobs less precarious and more stable, "said Di Maio.

Press conference for the presentation of # decretodignità live from Palazzo Chigi: https://t.co/Nas24b3Yt9 pic.twitter.com/hyD3CnVM3I

– Luigi Di Maio (@luigidimaio) 3 July 2018

Compensation up to 36 months in case of unfair dismissal
In case of unfair dismissal – announced Di Maio – the employee may claim compensation up to At 36 months. This is provided by the new rules of the Minister of Labor

"Criticism of those who mbadacred the rights "
"In this country, many young people are in the whirlwind of the world. Firstly, today, critics come from those who have defeated these social rights, instead of defending them ". That's what Deputy Prime Minister and Labor Minister Luigi Di Maio said. "Yesterday, we were a right-wing, left-wing government, which – he added – is finally a proud country to be Italy, with a government that is starting to defend the weaker strata. Population".

Di Maio: is a political government, with the work of Lega team
It is a "coherent government, or political government". It will also be an unexpected government, but it's a voted government, with the League, we are doing a good job of synergy, team, thanks to a great captain who is Premier Conté and all of us who give our best " Here is how Luigi Di Maio answered the journalists

The direct press conference in Palazzo Chigi

The critics of Confindustria
To Confindustria "dignity Dl is a very negative signal for companies." It is the companies that create the work – says Confindustria – the rules can promote or discourage development processes and have the function of It is necessary to intervene on the rules when we have to take into account these changes and, above all, the effects produced by the previous ones. Happened with the decree of dignity.

Tria Minister: No Corrective Measures
Meanwhile, the Minister of Economy Giovanni Tria went to audition in the committees Budget of the House and Senate on the directions of his mandate, explaining that it is "still possible to complete 2018 with the debt programmed and confirmed by the Def. We are confident that the data of 2018 will be in line with this goal. interlocutions, the European Commission is geared to wait for the final data ". "The government does not intend to take corrective measures during the year" and "avoid measures that could aggravate the balance," said Minister Tria

Gentiloni: obstacles to work and investments
"After a month of bold announcements, the mini-decree of yesterday does not favor investment in Italy and quality work, it just creates barriers to work and investment. Former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni wrote on Twitter

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