Dl Dignity: Di Maio attacks the Democratic Party, unlike compensation – Politics


"The Democratic Party has introduced an amendment to remove the dignity decree article that increases compensation for workers who are fired unjustly. In detail the dignity of the decree carries the minimum monthly allowance of 4 to 6 and the maximum of 24 to 36. How can one oppose a provision that provides fair compensation to workers who are victims of abuse? " This was written by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development and Labor Luigi Di Maio on Facebook. "For me – he comments – it's incomprehensible".

"Their amendment – continues Di Maio in the post – will not do anything because eventually they are now a minority, but the secretary of the PD could explain to everyone why a party of" left "is against the recognition of more right to those who work? "

" For me, it's incomprehensible: for our part, we will continue to defend and extend the social rights of workers and workers, exactly what the PD n & # 39; It has not done for all these years, "says Di Maio, who addresses directly to the citizens: We will go forward with maximum energy because I know you are with us , with a government that ultimately thinks of citizens and not lobbies, together we change Italy! "


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