Dl dignity, Maio-Pd's confrontation on compensation | M5s: they are with the owners


New conflict on the decree of dignity, this time between Movimento 5 Stelle and Pd . Subject of the contestation of certain Dem amendments, also targeted by the internal minority, which call for canceling the doubling of compensation in case of unlawful dismissal. "Incomprehensible" for the Deputy Prime Minister and owner of the provision, Luigi Di Maio, that a "leftist party opposes the recognition of greater rights to those who work".

The Democratic Party attacks the 5 Stars, now "On the side of the owners" while the Movement will be "always on the side of the workers". With "Renzi or without Renzi," says one of the rapporteurs on the provision, Davide Tripiedi, "is now the party of the demolition of workers' rights."

They are the 5 stars, the PD refutes, to workers " because" they promise an increase in the severance pay but leave open an escape route for the company. 39, employer who – attacks Debora Serracchiani – with their rules will pay much less by conciliatory, before the judge condemns. is a game of the three cards that the Democratic Party intends to explode asking for the increase of the conciliation allowance. "

The text of the decree brings, in the case of unlawful dismissal the minimum monthly allowance of With conciliation, the minimum is 2 and the maximum is 18 months, and the Dems on this point instead ask to go to 3 and 27. But, and are the "incriminated" amendments, there are also proposals to remove the theme of any compensation or in any case to adjust only the ceiling that the former minister Dem Cesare Damiano is asking his party to withdraw because, indeed, "we give the image of only a part attentive to the problems of companies."

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