Dl Dignity, no "hand" The signature on the flop is Di Maio


This begins with a bitter controversy over the "intrigue" denounced by Luigi Di Maio to the dignity process of the decrees in the finance and labor committees of the House. For the amendments, there is time until Thursday, the vote starts on Friday. The oppositions, in the spirit, are on the barricades and Fdi and Leu ask to slip the arrival of the decree from 24 to 30 July. But the majority wants the tour de force and should sit Saturday and Sunday, perhaps the night for the auditions that will begin today. The President of INPS Tito Boeri should start and follow the Minister of Labor. While the Senate is expected to hear the Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria

They are the three protagonists of the clash between the government and the INPS on the forecast of 8 000 fewer jobs per year for new rules on fixed-term contracts. Di Maio rejects the accusations: "I will not pbad this as a decree to dismiss people, I just want to reduce the precariousness for our young people". And announces incentives for permanent contracts and at the end of the year on the costs of manpower. He acknowledges, his kindness, to Parliament "the right" to change the decree, but the head of the M5 announce that he "will not back down" on the fight against precariousness. In the evening, he is confronted with Enrico Mentana on La7 with the president of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia, who strongly criticized the dl.

Just sharing the fears of business clbad, Silvio Berlusconi launched the Forza Italia campaign against the provision, counting on this occasion "the center-right will be restored". However, the league does not seem to want to distance itself from the M5 allies to align with the rest of the coalition. So the blues are for two, also asking the reintroduction of good. They demand that the government report to Parliament "of an unprecedented institutional conflict", as Laura Ravetto says

For the Deputy Speaker of the House Mara Carfagna, the "little hand" conspiracy does not come into play. not exist, rather than Boeri Di Maio, given that in the text of the law of conversion of the decree, co-signed by the Deputy Prime Minister, the article on the cover, there are "the same indications of the technical report sadly Famous: It is said that changes in fixed-term contracts and administration contracts implies less revenue for the state, that is, there will be less of 39, jobs ". Di Maio, attacks Fi's group leader in the Budget Committee Andrea Mandelli, "even reads official documents in support of his unfortunate legislative initiatives." And, adds Paolo Zangrillo, group leader at the Labor Commission, "what is most disconcerting, is that in the face of the evidence of the figures, the minister reacts by threatening the state organs, by promising repulsives. "

Giancarlo Serafini," 80 thousand jobs are lost in 10 years and there will be less revenue for 153 million euros ". In addition, explains the director of the Osservatorio Conti Pubblici Carlo Cottarelli, "these figures are quite modest and, as Boeri said, this can also be an upfront price to pay to reform the system."

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