Dl Dignity, precarious Nestlé Benevento: we first victims without work


The "first victims of dignity Dl" are defined as the precarious workers, twenty, who worked for 15 years as seasonal in the factory Buitoni di Benevento, Nestlé Group, which invests about 50 million people. euros on the website to build an international hub for the production of frozen pizzas for export worldwide. They will not be renewed because they have worked 24 months and the decree says that they can not be extended to 36 months.

The precarious group on Twitter reported that they had lost their seasonal work because of the decree of dignity. A protest revived by the Democratic Party, with the secretary Maurizio Martina who posted an article in Il Mattino on the history of the workers of Benevento. Although it is not excluded that in the end, after a negotiation, the company increases the number of hirings.

"These – writes Martina – are the real effects of the" Decree on Unemployment "signed by Di Maio and also supported by the League Workers Leave Home True Stories of Individuals and Families , facing government propaganda ". "Today – increases the dose for the dem Teresa Bellanova – the workers of Nestlé di Benevento know the so-called fight against insecurity.

Their contracts will not be renewed , not because the company has no work, not because there is a crisis.They will not be renewed because they have worked 24 months and the decree says that they can not be extended to 36 months. "For its part, the Nestlé Group is ready to discuss the employment situation in the factory of Buitoni di Benevento." Currently, according to a note from the 39, company, the planting work of the new production lines are underway, therefore the structure of employment is not yet final ".

Nestlé recalls that" it is n & # 39; It was not possible to recall workers in the administration who reached the new limit imposed by the Emergency Decree in the obvious compliance with the new regulations "but that" in any case, as soon as all work is completed with the full operation of the factory, we will compare with the social partners "the final structure of employment, which will certainly remain and, as far as possible, reinforce all the professional skills already acquired in the territory. "

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