Dl Security: free way of the House to trust 336 yes


Green light of the House to the confidence granted by the government to the decree on security. The votes in favor were 336, the votes against 249 and no abstentions. The House will now proceed to the consideration of the Orders of the Day: 146 in all. This is only after the final vote on the disposition has taken place. In Piazza Montecitorio, about 200 people protested against the decree under discussion in the House. The Pi houses, fewer bulldozers, are one of the signs revealed by the protesters, many of which come from movements for the right to housing. In the square are also candles and a cardboard coffin to mark the death of human rights. Among the slogans scanned, many against the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini. A banner also calls for the defense of human rights by all means possible. Marco Minniti, former Minister of the Interior and candidate for the position of Secretary of the Democratic Party, said: I am very worried about what will be voted tomorrow and what I call insecurity decree because the cancellation of humanitarian protection is a fatal blow to integration policies. of our country.

League: Revolution

Before the vote of confidence on the Security dl, the parliamentarians intervened for or against. The League, led by group leader Riccardo Molinari, announcing the vote for confidence, said: This is a revolution and what we asked people in the March 4 vote. The League will vote with rage and pride for this disposition by which our land will become our homeland and that of no one else. At the end of the intervention of the group leader, members of the League stood up to applaud. The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, was present in the House. Molinari thanked him.

Fiano (Pd): exchange of favors

The Democratic Party deputy, Emanuele Fiano, objected, returning on the slip that occurred on the peculation, on the occasion of the examination in Montecitorio of the bill anti -corruption: Today, the government is asking the fourth confidence in Parliament in the absence of any logical reason, without obstruction of opposition, in a room where are 352 deputies out of 630. Certainly, in the first vote secret, this granite majority is broken. But when a majority of 73 deputies is defeated because of an agreement between the government forces: it is better to grant a legate of the Lega today rather than lose the opportunity to. an order of the day zero tomorrow; Better today is an amnesty for a building than losing a tax amnesty tomorrow. Even if you allow a person saved for those sentenced on appeal to return 49 million stolen persons to Italian citizens. Better to be justicialists when it happens to the fathers of others than their own president, the real president Di Maio ?.

Rampelli (FdI): Absence of strategic vision

The Brothers of Italy will vote against the request for confidence, also not to participate in the government and the majority that supports it. Fabio Rampelli said: "Immigration is a kind of lack of strategic vision of the executive, but only a few months have pbaded and there is still time to recover," he added. . On this issue, we are ready to make our contribution, but all too often the FdI amendments are rejected, underlines the Vice President of the Montecitorio Assembly.

Silli (Forza Italia): Major Contronatura

For Forza Italia, Giorgio Silli said: This decree stems largely, not at all, from what we think of immigration and security and largely follows the central government's joint programs, in the municipalities, in the regions and in the provinces, where Forza Italia is naturally allied to the League, but we can not vote for the confidence of an executive who considers the M5S as an ally. This Lega-M5S majority contrasts, unlikely, false. Everyone has their own political thought, but no one can think of mixing different thoughts, otherwise we would be slaves to the ongoing compromise without seeing the government of a world power with a single vision, he added.

Boldrini: This decree is a factory of irregularities

According to Laura Boldrini de Leu: This decree is not for security but only for government propaganda. The main government creates fears by directing them towards the migrants, towards their presence. But his propaganda has short legs. Immigration must be planned and addressed with the right alliances, and not on the side of the Visegrad Group countries. The fight – continued Boldrini addressed to Minister Salvini – the fairies against integration, and this decree an irregular factory. You are aiming for chaos, not security.

27 November 2018 (Amendment 27 November 2018 | 19:42)


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