Dl Security: from the camera ok to trust. Salvini: "More order in the cities"


The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini

The Chamber of Deputies voted the confidence placed by the government on the law on security by 336 votes in favor and 249 against (no abstentions). The Assembly then proceeds to consider the agenda, while the final vote on this provision, already approved by the Senate and not amended by Montecitorio, is expected between tonight and tomorrow.

The decree-law intervenes on the standards relating to international protection, immigration and public security, to the functionality of the Ministry of the Interior and the Agency of the seized and confiscated property of the organized crime (the government should also reorganize the police and armed forces The provision must be transformed into law by December 3.

The so-called Security Decree modifies, among other things, the rules governing the presence of migrants in the country and thus cancels the residence permit for humanitarian reasons (there are still special permits for victims of violence or violence). Serious exploitation, health conditions of exceptional gravity, possible disasters in the country of origin). A residence permit is also provided for acts of a particular civil value. The provision therefore increases the number of crimes that, in the event of a final conviction, involve the denial and revocation of international protection.

"A huge satisfaction, not as a minister but as an Italian citizen, because between now and tomorrow, the security decree that establishes tranquility, order, rules and serenity in Italian cities becomes law . I put the interventions on immigration in the last place because there is so much more: the organic intervention starts from the antimafia, said the Minister of the Interior , Matteo Salvini, at the press conference held in the House.

Last updated: 19h04 © RESERVED COPY

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