Dl Security, the green light of the House with 396 yes among the applause of the League. 14 M5 deputies do not take part in the vote


Among the applause of the leagueof Forza Italia and of Brothers of Italy the room chamber definitely approved the security decree, summa of the line of Matteo Salvini on the management ofimmigration, which according to the mayors will increase the irregularities on the territory. After gathering the vote of confidence on Tuesday, the provision was pbaded with 396 yes and 99 no. In addition to the majority, also IDE and FI. No exultation of the pentastellated limbs, 14 which they did not participate in the vote. Other 22 they were on a mission. Immediately after the vote, Salvini shook hands with Riccardo FraccaroMinister of Relations with Parliament who sat next to him. "I'm happy, it's a day memorable. I am happy and satisfied, "said the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, at the exit of Montecitorio.

"I did not participate, rather than vote against, as a sign of respect for the work of those who spent to improve this decree, with poor results," he said. Doriana Sarli Adnkronos. "As things unfolded in the House, no improvement was made to have the Dl have less impact on the social fabric," he added. Gilda Sportiello. Absent also according to the agency Valentina Barzotti, Saints Cappellans, Yana Chiara Ehm, Veronica Giannone, Riccardo Ricciardi, Giulia Vizzini and Luigi Gallo. With the exception of Gallo, last week they signed a critical letter against the Salvini decree addressed to the group's leader.

From the halt of the permits for humanitarian reasons to the most difficult citizenship – The law removes i residence permit for humanitarian reasons (replaced by special temporary authorizations granted in special cases), provides for the detention of migrants in the residence centers for a maximum period of six months and aims to: dismantling of the Sprar network. It also expands the hearing of crimes involving the refusal or revocation of protection international: badual violence, serious injury, robbery, public violence, badual mutilation, aggravated robbery, theft at home, drug trafficking. The deadlines (from 2 to 4 years) are extended for the examination of the concession application of the citizenship, which will only be granted if you know Italian. The reintroduction into the penal code of the "harbading crime of begging", which will be punished with the death penaltyarrest until six months although the Constitutional Court had already rejected a similar rule in 1999, stating that the mere request for financial aid could not constitute a crime. There is also a rule on ethnic shops: the first citizens will have, up to 30 days, limitations on hours of sales commercial enterprises affected by "night aggregation phenomena".

Mattarella's reference to Article 10 of the Charter – In October, with the signing of the decree, the head of state Sergio Mattarella he had written to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to remind him to respect theconstitutional requirements and the international authorities of the State "and in particular to what is" directly provided byArticle 10 of the Constitution and what follows from the international commitments entered into by Italy. "Article 10 states that" the legal status of the foreign is regulated by law in accordance with the rules and regulations treated international"But above all, it is expected that" abroad, prevented in his country from effectively exercising the democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Italian Constitution, at right of asylum in the territory of Republic, according to the conditions established by law. Extradition of foreign for crimes policy".

Decaro (Anci): "This creates more irregularity" – The contents of the provision unleashed manifestations of the universe dealing with the reception of migrants and immigrants Municipalities who manage the Sprar system. The National President ofANCI, Antonio Decaro, talked about "going back" because "cancel the Sprar network means reject the widespread reception that in recent years and even in recent months had allowed avoid social tensions in our country. The cancellation of humanitarian protection will not erase these people from our territory and create a series of irregular then we will meet again in our communities and it will be the responsibility of the mayors. "" At best, these people – said the mayor of Bari – will work in the dark, they will occupy illegally of real estate but at worst they will become organized crime work which is widespread in some parts of our country. "

free, ACLI, Arci, Public Notice, Legambiente, Cgil, Cisl and Uil opposed the decree and on Monday 26, they organized a protest garrison. "There is great concern," they explained, "the provisions on humanitarian protection and immigration – on which the Supreme Judicial Council also detected aspects of unconstitutionality – and that look more like a symbolic response to public opinion this to concrete problems of protection and integration. This decree, which is about to become law, does not promote dignity, but removes it, for example, from people who have embarked on the path of integration, who are waiting to be recognized as refugees and who are losing their employment and the right to remain in Italian territory, thus encouraging exploitation and irregular work ".

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