"Do not take me back to Libya." The day after Josefa, saved by Open Arms


"His physical condition has improved and the state of hypothermia has stopped but he is still in shock and we are not forcing him to speak," Corriere Riccardo Gatti of the Catalan NGO. Confused memories that alternate with the nightmare of the period spent in Libya, Josefa still struggles to collect all the pieces. "He told me that with her at sea there were other friends and do not know what happened to them," confirms Annalisa Camilli, journalist of Internazionale who witnessed the rescue operations aboard Astral, support vessel of the Open Arms. And his words corroborate the possibility that the sinking caused other victims. According to the reconstruction made thanks to the hours of the SOS, the tragedy could have occurred two days before the discovery of the woman.

"No Libya, no Libya. Not Libya, I beg you. " When the men of the rescue team hoisted her on board, Josefa did nothing but repeat:" Do not bring me back. " Because there it means prisons, torture, rape. "He also told me that he had fled Cameroon to a violent husband who beat her because she was not could not have children and that she suffered further violence once in Libya, "adds Camilli, a terrible fate, common to that of the thousands of women who arrive in the North African country. explained her faith and her prayer to save her, for "Josefa is a strong woman."

Unnamed and lifeless, however, remains this small body found naked next to another woman she They were leaning against a raft, now they are in two bags full of ice, positioned at the front of the Open Arms.When Josefa will recover, we will try to know if the two mother and son and if there are family ties with the survivor. Meanwhile, the rescuers do not give peace. "We could save them too."

The men's hypothesis of the Spanish NGO is that Josefa and the others were abandoned by the Libyan Coast Guard in the middle of the sea because they did not want to return to Libya. A scenario denied by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, who spoke about false news . But from the rescue ship, which in Italy has already been seized by the prosecutor of Catania and then released prosecutors from Ragusa, they are not there. "The offer of landing for Josefa arrived from Rome and Malta, but not for the bodies.We decided to head to Spain to protect women and why Italy is no longer a safe haven ". The fear is too clear: to undergo a new seizure of the boat.

July 18, 2018 (modification of July 18, 2018 | 22:51)


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