I am a kindergarten teacher, I was 61 years old in May and I am going to start my last year of work, not without worry, listening to the news or reading in the newspapers.
I should take early retirement, according to the Fornero law, in September 2019 with 42 years of service and 62 years (mine is considered heavy).
If they were to abolish the Fornero law and introduce the 100 quota with a barrier at age 64, would I be prevented from entering the pension in September 2019?
Thank you for your attention.
Any hypothesis has been presented so far by the government who spoke to amend the Fornero law and also speaking of "abolition" it is done to make it clear that he is trying to overcome all the rigidity that the Fornero law inserted in 2011.
In any case the old-age pension and the early pension, as well as the Rita and the quota 4 1 of the first workers, are structural and non-experimental measures and do not therefore, can not be eliminated too easily
When we speak, therefore, at 100, we are talking about an alternative that the government offers to citizens to be able to exit the labor market before the retirement pension ( 64 years against the required 67 years) and with fewer years of contributions compared to early retirement (36 years of contribution against 43 years and 3 months for men from 2019 to 42 years and 3 months for women. )
So we're talking about # 39; an opportunity offered, as could be the social bee, the woman option, etc … and not a barrier as defined by her. Nobody until now has spoken of an abolition of ongoing structural retreats. So, in my opinion, you can be calm and calmly think about your next retirement with the anticipated in September 2019, also because for now the 100 quota is and remains only a government badumption that n & # 39; There is no decree of application. [19659010Ifyouhavequestionsorconcernscontactme: [email protected]
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