Dogs die muffled, Ikea removes a product


Ikea famous Swedish furniture giant, planned to withdraw from the market one of its products . Specifically, it is Lurvig, a water dispenser for domestic animals consisting of a large plastic bell (within which the l 39; water should be placed) with a bowl underneath.

It was decided by the Swedish summits because the animal's head may be stuck in the bell, with the resulting risk of suffocation. A very real risk, given that Ikea has received two reports of asphyxiated dogs trying to drink from this distributor

" We are saddened by the events that caused the Asphyxia of two dogs – households are important and appreciated by family members for many of our customers ", – said Petra Axdorff, director of Ikea's commercial district in Sweden. Ikea, safety always comes first and that's why we decided to recall the Lurvig water dispenser. "

The article, which was put in Selling in 15 different markets since last October, was also sold in our country, so everyone else he had bought, he could bring it to any center of the Swedish company and ask for a refund.

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