Doubts of Monte on the final. And regretted the televote


Last night, Francesco Monte and Silvia Provvedi, the two finalists of GFVip 3, discussed the elimination of Giulia when the meticulous and meticulous actor from Pugliese was left to confide: "I am sorry for not not be judged, I will let it blow until the final ". A very strange coincidence, considering that during the Monday broadcast, Alfonso Signorini is expressed in the same terms.

Silvia Provvedi, who has her with Giulia Salemi for not being nominated when she was never nominated, told Francesco Monte: "What a weird thing, I can not understand how it was possible to Eliminate it, because who saved me did not save my sister Giulia? I felt serene, but I miss him so much. Regardless of everything, he made a crazy path. I n & # 39; I had never planned to arrive in the final, the GF is the hardest on the island, my friends were sure I would do well, but I had a lot of doubts, "Francesco Monte added. You exposed yourself, and you said things even when you could shut up. " "Yes indeed, if you put me in front of something to climb, I stop, if I put myself in a cohabitation, I flout my diplomatic way, smoky, but true.I was certain that , somehow, I would have quit smoking.Then it is also true that you are running away and that people are taking a stand .I've been lucky that people l & rdquo; I did not think I could be so true "and Monte:" Forced cohabitation has made me very frightened "," For me, how my situation in the past could evolve. "I knew it could to arrive and I was trying to manage it better even if it happened in an unexpected moment. "

Monte then added, "I'm very happy, the only thing I miss a bit is not trying to get votes from outside (that is, the final with the remote voting, nes) Beautiful, very happy, thank you because it has come down to you, but I would have liked to receive that.Of course, I'm going to have emotion for a million in the fundamental vote, the last one, so it will be even stronger, "" Oh yes, but once you have reached the final between one thing and the other, this is done because you close a path so much until the last day "and Francesco Monte reveals what is his biggest gap: "Finally, I can come to the end of something, is that, the University that I never completed, the sport is not the I have not never finished anything else.My main goal is to finish, win is the icing on the cake but i started a path that i will continue to p As I told Giulia, your sister, in my business, I did not come second or third, nor ranked. I can say that I have finished and it is important to me. It's a moral slap for a lot of things that happened to me. We both had a similar path, our themes were equal and strong. Strange, our paths have crossed here and even outside.

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