Draghi defends the independence of the central bank of politics – politics


"In my opinion, we are at a time when we must encourage Italy and I am surprised that an Italian puts himself in this way to further poison the climate". The Deputy Prime Minister has said, Luigi Di Maio, during the recording of the first episode of Nemo, aired tonight on Rai2 at 21:20, about the statements of the President of the ECB, Mario Draghi. "We are doing a budget maneuver that gives the weakest party," Di Maio said.

"It is strange that at that time, some ministers from other countries, such as the Germans, are more respected than the leader of the ECB who just said that the climate of tension in Italy is a problem" Di Maio then pointed out that "Draghi can say what he wants and that I am nobody to censor what he says".

"Supporting the banks does not mean taking money from the Italians," Di Maio explained.

"I do not fear the judgment of Standard & Poor's, we have virtually no private debt and this creates economic stability" for the country. The rating agency is expected to vote tonight on the sovereign rating of Italy.


The independence of a central bank "is essential" because its action is credible and, therefore, monetary policy is effective, "said the President of the ECB, Mario DraghI, holding a speech at the Belgian National Bank on the defense of central bank autonomy policy such as the ECBfacing those who today, after the crisis and unconventional measures such as the purchase of bonds, have questioned the "consensus of monetary policy" consolidated in the 70s.


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